Part Two

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Armin's POV

Why me? I hate school projects with people I don't know. I have no idea if Hanji will help me or leave me to do all the work. All I know is that they are usually loud and are the craziest of their friends.

As I think about this project and my partner, I notice that they are waving me over. Telling me to come sit with them and their friends.

I begin to get nervous and my heart begins to race. I mean, what if their friends don't like me and don't want me to sit near them. Ugh, this is why I don't like social interactions with people I don't know.

Soon, I decide that I should just suck it up and walk over there. I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves and stand up with my things, heading into their direction.

"HELLO! Please! Sit down, partner! Since we're partners it would be better for us to get to know each other a little bit. Unless, you don't want to."

I sit down in the empty seat next to them and respond, "No, that's fine. I have no problems with getting to know you."

"Alright then! Why don't I introduce you to my friends. They're pretty cool so don't be shy." I nod my head and they begin to name their friends off.

"The girl with the orange hair over there is Petra. She's such a sweet person." Hanji says as she points to the girl next to her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" Petra says.

"It's nice to meet you as well."

"The tall blonde guy with the HUGE eyebrows is Erwin."

"Hey! Put some respect on the brows!"

I laugh and wave to Erwin which, in return, I get a wave back.

"Finally, the little raven next to you is Levi. He may seem rude but when you get to know him he's pretty sweet." Hanji says with a huge smile.

I turn to my left to see a guy close in height with me. I'm guessing this is Levi. Anyways, he scoffs at Hanji's statement and gives me a glance.

"W-well, do you want to at least look up who we are researching for the project?" I ask.


After that we took out our phones and started searching. Soon, we both decided on a sculptor named Louise Bourgeois.

"Hey! So, I know we can pretty much do a lot of this project at school but why don't we hangout after school in order to get it done quicker?" Hanji asks.

"That's completely fine with me." Especially since this also gives me a chance to stay out of the house for longer.

"Cool. I'm guessing that the best place for us to do it is at one of our houses."

"Yeah, so mine or yours?" I'm really hoping they offer to do this at their own house.

"We could do it at mine. I don't live with my parents but there's no doubt Levi will have a small attitude." They say as they snicker.

"You two live together?"

"Yea, for reasons I don't have the right to tell you." Hanji says as her expression saddens a bit.

"Oh, that's fine, I wouldn't want to meddle in someone else's personal problems without them trusting me enough to tell me themselves."

"Y'know, Armin? You're pretty cool, honestly. There's a lot of nosey people in this school and I'm glad you're not one of them." They say with a smile.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It's so annoying, I swear." I say as I roll my eyes.

After that, we talk until the end of class and decide to start on the project at Hanji's house tomorrow. Great, now I have to go home.

If you think I'm gonna do research for their project to put in this story...uh... you give me more credit than I deserve. lol
Have a great day dudes!


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