Part Seven

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Levi's POV

Once us three began our walk to me and Hanji's place, Hanji began conversing with Armin again. I couldn't care less about what they're talking about because coming from Hanji it's probably stupid.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Armin pull out his phone once. Wouldn't he want to tell his parents where he's going? Weird. Should I bring it up?

You know what? Hanji will probably just read my mind and ask him themselves so there's no point.

After those thoughts I continue to ignore their conversation and think about other things. Including the fact that I have work in a couple of hours. I can get some homework done in that amount of time at least.

Just then, I decide to listen to their conversation and hear Hanji ask, "So, are you gonna call your parents about where you'll be?"

I told you they would.

"Oh, I didn't really think about doing that. Thanks for reminding me."

He seemed to have stopped talking right then and there but in actuality, he continued quietly, "There's no point, it's not like they care anyways."

At that, I decide to finally say something.

"What was that about them not caring?"

Looking shocked, probably by the fact that I even said something, Armin says,"Oh, nothing, it doesn't matter."

I look forward, away from him, still thinking about what he could mean by what he said.

Armin's POV

You know, sometimes I'm pretty dumb. How could I let Levi know what I said about my parents like that? I really hope Hanji didn't hear as well, that would be terrible.

Though, guessing by the fact that they didn't bring it up I can assume they didn't hear me. Or they did and didn't want me to have the same conversation over that I had with Levi.

After a while Hanji says, "Hey! We're here. Let's go inside." While looking at an apartment complex.

All three of us walk to their apartment and inside. I soon notice a couple different pairs of shoes by the door on a rack. I also see the others begin to take off their shoes as well.

"Um, where should I put my shoes?"

"On the rack. Where else?" Levi says as he gives me a small glance.

I quickly take off my shoes and place them in the first empty spot I can find after they put their own away.

"Alright, let's get started, shall we!"

"I guess we shall." I say with a nervous tone as Levi makes his way further into the apartment. I can only assume he's heading to his room.

————— Time Skip —————

It's been a couple of hours since I've stepped foot into this apartment. This time has mostly been filled by us doing our project and Hanji being the fun person they are. Oh, and Levi went to work, so that's cool.

"Hey, it's getting pretty close to the time I usually eat dinner and it's getting pretty late. Do you want to eat before it's time for you to go." Hanji says while getting up to head towards their kitchen.

"Ah, no, it's okay. My parents are kind of cautious about what we eat from 'certain' people." I say as I put my head down in guilt.

Though it is true that my parents don't like us eating from other people, it's mostly because of class. I feel guilty that even bringing it up hints at that. I honestly just want to make my own meal myself for the first time and not mooch off of other people. That wouldn't give me much pride I knew I wanted when I talked to my mother about this food situation. She'd just rub it in my face that I needed someone else to feed me and that I can't do anything for myself without them.

"I'm sorry if that came off as rude. I just really don't want to upset my parents over what I eat. I wish I could though, I bet what you make would taste better than what I usually eat." I let out, truthfully.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm not hurt by what you said. I completely understand."

"Thank you for understanding. If there's a chance I would really like to try your food in the future. I'd just have to find the right time."

"Great! That's cool with me. I guess you should call your driver to take you home now."

"Yeah, I really should." I say with a smile.

After Hanji walks into the kitchen I head to the living room and pull out my phone to call Karl. Once he says he's on his way I inform Hanji, which they respond that I can sit on the couch and wait. So that's what I did.

It takes a while for Karl to come but when he did I thanked Hanji for their hospitality.

I walked right outside and into the car that I've grown so familiar with.

Karl looks into the rear view mirror and asks, "So, was being out with your friends fun? I know you haven't done that in a while."

"Yeah, it's been a minute. It was great though. One of my friends even offered to feed me, they're so nice."

"I'm glad you're meeting good people, kid."

"Yeah, I'm glad as well."

"Alright, you ready to go home?" Karl says as he physically looks back at me.

At that, I take my time to think. I need to go to the grocery store Levi told me about to buy some food for dinner tonight!

"Actually, can we make a stop on the way there?" I ask with a small smile.

—————Time Skip—————

Alright, what should I get? I've never been grocery shopping before so this is all new to me.

Maybe some lettuce and peanut butter? Can I make something out of that? Maybe if I use bread I could make a lettuce and peanut butter sandwich.

Ew. That actually sounds illegal.

I hurry to look around since I don't want to take too long since Karl is waiting in the car. During this, I end up in a little frozen section. After skimming, something catches my eyes.

Salisbury Steak, it says it is. I mean, some people eat steak for dinner. And this looks easy enough to cook for the first night. All I have to do is put it in the microwave, then it will be ready.

It's not like I'm doing much work but still, I'm putting it in the microwave and punching in the stated time! It counts a little towards cooking MY dinner.

I place that in the basket and keep walking. I notice some fruit like apples and strawberries. I decided to get some apples since I don't have to put them in the fridge and I don't know if my mother will allow me to use the fridge yet.

Right after, I start walking around looking for the main thing I hope won't fail me the most. Ramen.

I've heard so much about it before. When I tell other people that I've never had it before, they have the most shocked look on their faces. It's not like I wanted to stay away from it, my parents just never allowed me it. But, since I'm making my own food I should be able to eat whatever I want.

I decide to get the first flavor I come across. That being the chicken flavor. Once everything I think I need is in the basket I walked towards the cashier to pay.

It's a good thing that I didn't forget my money today. If I did, I would be starving until I would have to leave the next morning. I didn't even get anything for breakfast. Well, hopefully the cafe is open tomorrow morning.

Once everything I paid for is bagged, I head straight outside to the car. I'll have to thank Levi for helping me like that.

I hope this was good. I wasn't in a good mindset when I was finishing the last part up. Idk if that affected anything. Please tell me if I need to change anything. Thank you.


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