Part Nineteen

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Mrs. Arlert's POV

"Where in the world is that brat? Where is he? He's been out of the house since yesterday."

"Why should we care, honey? He doesn't know what could happen to him out there, he's probably found a way to get himself killed already."

My husband needs to relax a little. There's no reason to worry about that kid. If he's dead, our burden would be lifted off of our shoulders.

"That's the problem, you idiot. If he's dead the cops are gonna question us about his whereabouts and we won't know shit. The public will think we're negligent. Did that never cross your mind?"

"Well, it's his own fault. He decided to go out without our knowledge. I don't see how we could be blamed for that." I reply, fully serious about my statement. How would we know where he is if we were never informed?

"Women are so fucking stupid. Why the fuck did I even marry you if you're gonna say some dumb shut like that?"

"Honey, I'm sorry. I just thought that maybe you would be happier if he wasn't here. He's a burden to the family anyway."

"I don't care about the fact that he's a burden. The public can't see that. He's probably out there doing some dumb shit and you're over here sitting on you're ass while he taints our name."

"I'm sorry, just calm down. If he gets back we'll just make sure he won't leave like he did this time."

He's about to go to work. He can't be so mad about this in the workplace.

"When I get back from work, I want all of his things on the kitchen counter and all of the passwords."

"What are you gonna do with all of that?"

"Just do as I said."

"Fine, bye." Just like that, he walked out.

Usually we would leave together but, today Allison wanted to throw a random party. I can't rely on Armin to do anything if I don't know where he is. I just have to do everything myself until he gets back.

—————Time Skip—————

I'm tired. I'm not doing this. I shouldn't be responsible for this. That brat is supposed to be doing this and he's out somewhere. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's spreading his legs. Maybe he's doing drugs. I always thought there was something wrong with him. Either way, he's making a mockery of us and I can't stand it.

I should probably get what my husband needed. I don't need an argument with him before we leave to our hotel tonight. Maybe then we can try for another baby. Preferably a girl this time.

This room is a mess. His stupid books are everywhere.

I never thought that a mostly clean room filled with books would ever make me so...mad.

Luckily, I could find his laptop easily since it was on his desk. I'll just have to get his phone from him when he gets here. IF he gets here.

Hopefully he doesn't and we can start over. We could finally be the happy family I always wanted us to be. As long as he isn't apart of it.

After that wonderful thought, I hear a shriek behind me. Once I turn around I see Armin standing in the doorway.

"Uh, mom? What are you doing in my room? Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Don't call me that. I don't want to be reminded that I caused you. I'm only in this dump of a room for your electronics. My husband wanted me to get them for when he gets back, so I would really like for you to hand over your phone."

"W-well, uhm, how long is he gonna keep my things."

"I don't know. Maybe until he's done with them. Maybe forever. It doesn't really matter."

"It kind of does."

"Oh really? You literally only have two friends. You can talk to them at school. Oh, by the way, I'm calling you out of school today."


"Don't raise your voice at me. Allison wants to throw a party today and you need to set it up."

"On a school night. You're allowing her to have a party on a school night? I'm not even allowed to have an extra blanket when it's cold and she gets a party, on a school night?"

"I don't give a care about you or your stupid blanket. Allison deserves it."

"How?! She does nothing around the house. She's always sitting in her room talking to her snobby friends. You make me clean up after her every time she makes a mess. Why don't you stop trying to act like I'm the problem when in actuality, it's your blatant favoritism."

I gasp, how dare he speak to his mother like that.

"What has possessed you to think that you can talk to your mother like that? I gave birth to you, you ungrateful pig."

"Oh really? Now you wanna be my mom? You just told me not to call you that. And you may have given birth to me but I never asked for it. If I knew what you and my sperm donor we're like before I was born, I would've found a way to die in the womb. You gave birth to me, act like it. I'm not supposed to be using my money to buy my own food. That's a responsibility that you signed up for when you gave birth to me until I am a legal adult. I'm not even 16 yet, in case you forgot."

"I should have had an abortion when I had the chance."

"Yeah, you really should have. Now, you and your husband want to find a way to make me hate my life everyday. Just put me in foster care at this point. Tell the people outside, that you care about more than your blood, that your son is troubled. You seem so tired of my behavior, just get rid of the problem already."

" are t-truly a disrespectful brat."

"Yeah, I guess it takes one to know one."

"C-can I just have your phone and the password? I don't want to upset your father anymore than he already is."

"Fine. The passwords are 534001."


After I hand her my phone and give her my password, she walks out and I continue on with my day.

It's already so amazing.

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