Part Twenty-Six

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Armin's POV

After we all enjoyed the breakfast I made, we got ready to walk out the door. I called Karl earlier to tell him that I wouldn't need a ride to school for today since I decided to walk with Hanji and Levi. Once we were all ready, we started our journey to school.

When we reached the building we had a couple of minutes to hangout before we needed to go our separate ways. Once that time came around, we said our goodbyes and I walked to my first period.

This whole week was uneventful. I was mostly just waiting for my parents to come back home and scold me about the imaginary things they find on my phone. The only thing that they could find on my phone that they can deem as bad is my conversation with Levi. Other than that, there's nothing. But, knowing my parents, they'll make a huge deal of everything and blow the circumstances out of proportion.

My parents come back Thursday. Thursday is today. I'm nervous but at the same time not nervous? If you understand what I mean. I feel like I can stay indifferent to the things my parents will say to me but I also feel like something out of the usual will happen.

It's the end of the school day and I'm waiting outside of the school. When I notice that Karl is here, I say goodbye to my friends. I was also grasped into a tight hug with Hanji and Levi. That obviously wasn't Levi's idea either. Haha.

I get in the car and once we start moving I look outside the tinted window of the car. Looking back at all of my friends.

Eren. Mikasa. Historia. Ymir. Reiner. Bertoldt. Annie. Sasha. Connie. Jean. Hanji. And Levi.

I'm so glad that I was able to meet all of them. They've all brought me so many happy memories and distracted me from my home life. For that, I thank them for staying with me whether it be we've been friends for years or we've just met.

I remember thinking all of this while the car was in traffic. Next thing I know, I'm getting knocked out of my thoughts and into the real world. That's when I notice people banging on the windows with various weapons. Guns, knives, hell I even saw a baseball bat.

They were yelling for me and Karl to get out of the car. We did with our hands up, hoping they wouldn't hurt us. We walked to the nearest sidewalk and the guys got into the car, driving away.

Welp. This is shitty.

"Are you okay, Armin?" Karl asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"As long as you're okay, I'm okay as well."

I smiled at that.

Karl lead me to a nearby bus stop and we waited for the bus to come. We didn't bring up what just happened because that situation was confusing to get a grasp on. Maybe later my emotions will kick in and I'll actually have a feeling for what just happened. For now, I'm neutral. We talked a lot about what was going on in our lives. I obviously spared him the details of my relationship with my parents. When the bus came, we got on and made our way to a stop closer to my home.

Where we were dropped off wasn't close to my house and it was getting late. Karl walked me to my front door and I gave him a hug of goodbye and thanks. I watched as he left, on his way home. He told me that he'd call my parents and tell them about the whole situation later. I wonder why he didn't want to now though. It's not like my parents aren't home. Their car is here, it's obvious that they would be here as well. Whatever, there's not much I can say.

I'm glad I grabbed my backpack in all the ruckus so I don't feel guilty about not doing my homework. Plus, my parents would give me hell if they found out that happened and I left it. It's not like they're not going to since I did come home later than expected but still, it's lessened.

I took a breath, opened the door, and stepped inside.

I hope you enjoyed.


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