Part Ten

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Armin's POV

Why did I say that? That's such a weird thing to say. Levi probably thinks I'm weird now.

I felt instant regret once I sat down to eat my breakfast. What if he thinks something is going on at home about my food situation? Most likely he wouldn't care but what if he did. Levi shouldn't care. He won't care, right? He wouldn't ever care about little old me and my family problems.

I decide to look to my right outside the window since I feel my eyes tear up. I take a couple of deep, quiet breaths in order to calm the suffocating feeling in my chest before I won't be able to control it. I don't want to start panicking in front of someone. Especially someone I barely know. I can do that in the safety of my own dark room at 2 in the morning.

Once I'm finished with my breakfast I wave goodbye to Levi and head outside. I don't work until later on in the afternoon so I have a lot of time until then. I would rather not go home but I don't know where else I should go. I could go to one of my friend's houses but I want to be alone right now.

Come to think of it, I do know somewhere I can go other than the newly found grocery store.

—————Time Skip—————

I finally made it to the old park that my parents used to take my sister to play. I wasn't allowed because there was always a reason I shouldn't be able to have fun around them. The park is pretty much empty all the time. There would sometimes be the usual animal that ran by or random teens coming to hangout.

Most of the time I was alone with nature so this place has become somewhat of a safe haven for me to get away. Usually, I would just sit on the swings and clear my mind. Since the playing equipment from all those years ago was still here, I would sometimes take the chance to use them. Even though they were dirty I was still able to have fun like how I always wanted as a child. Every time I did I felt so happy and care free.

Today, I just wanted to sit down and relax. I had nothing better to do and no where better to go. For now, this was the best place I could be. I sat on the swings and began to think.

There are times when memories from here come back, though they don't hurt much when I know that this has been going on for my entire life. Back then, I was oblivious to the obvious favoritism my parents had for my sister. Especially my mother, my dad didn't try to teach me how to play sports until I hit my pre-teens. You could say that my dad might have had a little faith that even though I wasn't a girl, that I would still grow up to be this great athlete. I can't even run five laps of the FitnessGram Pacer Test without being winded. What the fuck did he expect when him and my mother never allowed me to do anything active as a kid? The only time I did have the chance to was during recess at school. Though, at the time my interest for books grew and made me not even want to participate. That and the fact that I thought it would be wrong for me to have fun when my parents scolded or yelled at me just before we left the house about such minuscule things.

I shouldn't think about my "family" here though. Just happy thoughts. Yesterday was great at Hanji and Levi's place, it was the first time I went to someone else's place. Hanji is an...odd...character but they're fun to be around because of that. Levi looks like he could be a straight up rude person but I have my opinions. He seems like a nice person to hang around as well from the few conversations we've had together.

I check my phone to see that I have a couple of hours before work. Maybe I can try and be a kid again until it's time to get ready for work. With that, I stand up and head over to the seesaw.

—————Time Skip—————

The park was great and refreshing. I was sad when I realized that I needed to go to work and leave. I'm happy that I got to spend the time I had having fun.

As soon as I finish putting on my uniform, that consisted of a bright yellow shirt with the company logo on it and some black jeans, I go outside to wait for my driver. I'm excited to see my friends that work at the job with me.

Once Karl pulls into the driveway, I head over and get in. We had a small conversation about his family on the way to my job.

"So, how's Zach been doing lately?" I ask since it's been a while since we've talked about his family.

Karl let's out a sigh before answering my question. "He was a little sad before I left to come pick you up."

"Oh, really? If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"Well, Jessica brought him to play with his friends at the park today. He brought his favorite stuffed animal with him, y'know the little moose?"

"Yeah, I remember Mr. Snout." I say with a small smile when I remember meeting Zach and his stuffie.

"Anyways, another child tried taking Mr. Snout from him and they ended up having a tug-of-war over it. The head and legs were ripped off and he's been sad ever since. I was planning on going into the store to buy him a new on so we can get Mr. Snout fixed without him being too upset."

"Awe, that's terrible. If one of my possessions were destroyed like that I would probably react the same." I add with a frown.

I wish I had a stuffed animal that I could take home with me. That would be impossible with my living situation right now though.

"Well, we're here." Karl says as he turns the engine of the car off.

We both get out of the car and head into the store.

Sasha looks up when she notices the door opened and greets me.

"Hey Armin! We missed you yesterday." She says with a wave and a big smile.

"Yeah, I missed you guys too. Where's Connie and Jean?"

"Jean is stocking the lego sets and I have no idea where Connie is."

"Alright, we'll talk on our break, yeah?"

"Of course, we always do." She says with a playful eye roll.

I let out a small laugh and go to clock in. While walking to the back I notice Karl in one of the aisles filled with stuffies. I hope Zach will like it.

This part is a couple days overdue and I'm sorry. A lot of stuff took up my time this past week but I survived lol.


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