Part Six

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Armin's POV

The whole day at school was as uneventful as usual. That is until I got to art class. Before the teacher came into the classroom, I saw that Hanji was making fun of Levi for his obsession of cleaning and Levi being held back by Erwin and Petra.

He's also loudly explaining to them how important cleaning is. I just stare at the scene in front of me.

"OH! Armin you're here! Help calm him down before I die of laughter." They say as they hold their tummy in pain.

"I HOPE YOU DO! Who in their right mind coughs in the direction of someone?! You're fucking disgusting." Levi yells as the other two are trying hard to hold him away from Hanji.

"I didn't even cough, Levi. All I did was clear my throat!"

"I know a cough when I hear one. Where a fucking mask if you're gonna pull shit like that! And stay at least 3 planets away from me!"

I walk in front of Levi and face Hanji.

"Hanji, please try and be quiet. Your giggling isn't going to help the situation at all." I say with the most serious voice I could muster.

"Alright alright. I'm done." They say as they try to catch their breath.

I turn around to face Levi who didn't seem to calm down at all.

"Levi? Can you please calm down a little? I'm sure what Hanji did was a mistake and I don't think they'll ever do it again. Just breathe and relax. You shouldn't waste your energy on something like this."

Levi glances between me and Hanji before letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine, but I'm not sitting next to that disgusting brat." He says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"That's fine! Armin will just sit next to me! Right Armin?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

After that we all head to our seats.

The class time after went as smoothly as it can with Hanji being your seat mate. Though, being next to them at the same time is fun.

When it's the end of class we all gather our things to leave.

"So, do you wanna head to my place now or do you wanna come over a little later."

"Um, whatever fits for you best I can do." I tell them genuinely.

"Oh, don't worry it's not much of a bother when you come over today."

Well, I don't really want to go home right now and this is an excuse not to be there. Why wouldn't I take it?

"I don't have anything of importance to do urgently so I guess I can go with you now."

"That's great! Uh, me and Levi don't have any way of transportation so we'll have to walk. Are you ok with that?" They say as all three of us gather our things and head out the door.

"I'm totally okay with that. Though, I do have a driver that can take us to your place. Unless you're uncomfortable with that we'll just walk."

"You have a driver?! You must be rich then. I didn't know that about you!" Hanji says, almost intrigued.

"Yeah, I don't consider myself rich since it's my parents money. I don't like the idea of money being mine if I didn't work for it myself."

"I would never guess you were born into money though. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you're not a snobby nosed teen that wants everything given to them. Those people are so flipping annoying."

Even though he isn't saying anything, I know that Levi agrees with Hanji by the way his face changes at the mention of those types of people.

"Tell me about it. I have to live under the same roof as one. It's horrible."

"Gosh, I'm just finding out everything about you aren't I? You have a sibling now?"

"Yeah, I have an older sister. You might know her, her name is Allison. She is a great example of a spoiled brat."

"Sadly, I've had the chance to hear her. Her whiny voice is abuse on my ears." Hanji says as  they hold their ears.

"Especially when she is screeching. I can't get enough of her voice at home. Anyways, do you guys want to have a ride or are you more comfortable with walking."

"Levi! What do you wanna do?"

"Frankly, I don't give a shit as long as I can get home and nap."

"Really? I honestly thought you would end that sentence with 'get home and clean.' Y'know it fits you so much better than napping. Do you even sleep?"

"That doesn't concern you, four eyes."

"Anyways, I think Levi would prefer to walk. Judging by the fact that he's such a clean freak."

At that, Levi just lets out a sigh, though I don't think it is of annoyance.

"Alright, I'll just tell my driver that he can head home."

Once I say that I notice that we're in the front of the school and not that far from the car. I rush over to tell my driver the news.

"Hey Karl, you can head home early today, I'm going over to a friends house."

"Well, why don't I just give you guys a ride there?"

"They don't feel completely comfortable with the idea and I just met them, I don't want to push anything like this onto them."

"Alright then, stay safe Armin. Call me when you need a ride back."

"I will. See you later."

After I finish the conversation with Karl, I head over to Hanji and Levi and we begin our walk to their place.

I hope you enjoyed.

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