Chapter 37

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I marched towards the door before slamming it closed as I exited the room.

Why am I even doing this?

-I thought as I got to his dorm door, asking myself if he was just planning this all just to get me to grab his clothes for him.

As I stood in front of his door, reaching for the doorknob, a thought came to my head-

Oh wait.....he has roommates, he doesn't share a room with just himself. I should probably knock instead of just waltzing right in uninvited.

I held my fist up, knocking on the door before placing it back down, awiting for a response of some kind.

When I didn't get one after a minute of pure silence, I knocked again, this time a bit harder.

"You need something darling?"

Quickly I whipped my head around, searching for whoever had just spoken.

Behind me was a guy, slowly walking up the stairs and towards me.

"Oh um no thanks, I guess no one's in there."

-I said, pointing at the door, nervously laughing as he got closer.

"That makes sense. Last I checked, Cillian was in detention with professor Snape and Tom never comes to his dorm."

-He exclaimed, slowly opening the door and walking in.

"Though I'm here now, so how can I help you?"

Ohhh, fuck he's the other roommate.

I'm guessing "Cillian" is one as well.

Shit, I probably look really stupid right now, just say something.

"Oh um, I just need to-um."

He raised an eyebrow as he awaited for my response.

"I need to get something for Tom."

-I quickly spit out.


-He responded, sounding surprised, taking a step back.

"Tom Riddle?"


-I responded with the same confused tone.

"Oh.... alright well, come in."

-Still sounding a bit confused, he moved aside, letting me enter the room.

"I haven't seen Tom for a few days, what's happened to that arrogant git?"

"Oh um, he's been...busy..."

-My sentence trailing off as I looked around the room.

"Do you happen to know where Tom's things are placed?"

"Over there by his bed, though most of his things are locked in that chest, that is unless you need his clothes which are under his bed in some suitcase I believe."

I hurried over to the bed he pointed to, pulling the suitcase from under the bed and swiftly unzipping it.

Inside was a bunch of neatly folded clothes, so I grabbed the first comfortable thing I could find, that being a black long sleeve shirt as well as a pair of black sweatpants.

Quickly zipping the case back up, I shoved it back under the bed and stood up, turning back around to Tom's roommate, who was staring back at me oddly.

I kept the clothes folded in my hands as I walked back up to the door.

"I'll be going now but thank you for helping me."

Quickly changing his expression, he held his hand out.

"No problem, I'm Finley by the way, Finley Tuffin."

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

-I responded, shaking his hand before beginning to walk out the door.

As I was walking back to my room, I heard a small chuckle from Finley's direction before he closed his door shut.


Once in my dorm, instead of in bed, I found Tom sitting in front of my desk, writing away in his work.

"Feeling better I see?"

He lifted his head up to see me but quickly looked back down to continue doing his work.

"The tea gave me energy."

-He muttered under his breath.

"Yeah you're welcome. Here."

-I tossed his clothes towards him on the desk.

He stared at it confused as he grabbed it, looking back up at me with the same confused expression.

"Where did you find this?"

"You're roommate, Finley, helped me. He's really not as bad as you make him sound."

"Well stay away from him."

I stared back at Tom as he spoke, somewhat speechless of what he had said.

I wanted to talk back and ask as to why but I know it'll just escalate into something bigger, leaving one of us to storm out of the room.

I sighed before saying-

"Alright well, do you wanna go for a walk?"

He glared at me in confusion, looking up from his work, before finally saying-

"I'm not a dog."

"And I'm not your maid and yet I still cleaned up your mess, C'mon let's go outside, you need some fresh air."

"We're not allowed to, we're going to get in trouble."

"You're no fun."

He ignored my comment and went back to writing away.

"So am I just gonna go by myself?"


-He said, not bothering to lift his head back up in my direction.

I scoffed once again before heading towards the door, slamming it closed as I left. 

~Currently supposed to be working on an essay due today but this is more important~ 

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