Chapter 14

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I woke from a long, restless night, the lights strongly shining in my eyes. My books are cluttered everywhere.  Still in my uniform, my robe was somewhat slipping off my shoulders, as it appeared that I had fallen asleep doing my work.     "Ugh god."   My head began to ache as I stood from my bed, the throbbing pain didn't seem to stop as I held my head in my hands.

I buried my face in my pillows until eventually it subsided as the cold feeling from the pillow pushed against my forehead. I assume a fever or maybe it was some aftermath from Tom attempted murder, either way I began getting more and more uncomfortable with the throbbing pain until I had decided to run up or at least try to run up and wash my face under cold water in the washroom.

I stood there, hovering above the sink, water running down my face for a few minutes. I was surprised  it worked, my head stopped aching.  I kept a wet towel with me as I made my way back to bed.     I'm staying in today.    I might leave later for Madame Pomfrey. 

I fell back into bed, practically passing out as soon as my head touched the pillow. Though I wasn't able to sleep as peacefully as I thought I would. As I woke up for the fifth time, I made the decision to stay awake.  I was almost about to pull out a book until I heard a knock at my door.

I paused, what if it was Tom?  I shouldn't answer it. Maybe I should, I want to see what he has to say.  What if he's come to finally apologize?              I've made up my mind. 

I went to open the door and instead of Tom, it was Henry. I felt relieved yet somewhat disappointed.                                    "Oh hey, so uh I didn't see you like at all today, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Are you feeling better from yesterday's talk?"        "Not quite, I've come down with the flu this morning."             "Well I hope you feel better soon."          I smiled in return, waiting for him to do something, signify if this conversation has ended or if it's still going on. 

He gives me a puzzled look. Did I do something wrong? Should I say something to keep the conversation going?                            "That is your tie, isn't it?"    He speaks before I do, pointed and the loosely knotted tie hanging from my neck.        I looked down at it, holding the end tail. 

"It's isn't...."     Is all I answer.         "Are you seriously wearing Tom Riddle's tie? Especially after all we talked about yesterday?"         "I don't know. I forgot."    I sound stupid, why Am I still wearing his tie? 

"Well I mean after what he did to you, and you're still wearing it? Are you sure you don't have memory loss?"   He joked, making me annoyed. I don't answer him. 

"I'll help you."    He quickly said before proceeding to walk inside my room and grab the tie from me, trying to pull the knot free.      "Henry stop it, I can do it myself."                            "Just let me."  

"Henry stop it!"    I said, my voice getting louder, but he didn't stop, just ignored me and kept on trying to untie it.                    "Henry enough-"

I was midway into my sentence when I felt a heavy push on my shoulder, shoving me into a wall. "What?"  I heard Henry say before I saw Tom standing in my room.      

 "Leave."     Tom's wand was pointed to Henry.         "God piss off Tom, this isn't any of your concern."      Henry said, trying to pull himself away from Tom's wand.           "Leave." He says again.      "You aren't some kind of hero in her eyes."    Henry says, looking back at me.           "I um, I-."  I feel so useless, I don't know what to do, what to say.       "Leave" He says once again. 

The room falls silent. Henry shoots me another glance, he wants me to say something. Make Tom leave. I want just want the both of them to leave. 

Tom brings the wall closer to Henry's throat.

"Ok alright, ok I'll go!"    Henry shouts, holding his hands up, shooting me one last glance before leaving.   

Now it's Tom's turn to leave.

Me and Tom were silent for a while, he kept his back to me, standing completely still until he slowly began to close my door, keeping himself in.    "Tom..."         He turned around to face me, tucking his wand back into his pocket.

"Tom please...just leave."    My head ahced the longer he stared at me.            "Tom."      I said, my voice getting louder as I got more annoyed from his silence.        "Get out Tom!"     I  yelled, trying to push him away.         He quickly grabbed my wrists, keeping me from touching him as he brought himself closer.      My heart quickened as my breath caught.       "Tom.."      The thumping in my chest got louder.             "(Y/N)....I-"                   He stops himself, his lips smashing against mine.

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