Chapter 68

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I'm surprised Henry actually listens to Tom -Despite being equally as stubborn- and leaves the common room, not without having one last final furious look towards me.

Perhaps I should have just gone to dinner.

Perhaps I'm just being dramatic.

I don't look back at Tom as Henry storms out of the room, I continue to make my way to my dorm without hesitation.

Upon closing the door shut behind me, I finally take note of how hard I have my grip on the papers in my hand.

I scoff to myself as I stare at the dented pages.

I suppose sometimes I don't even notice my emotions.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I think.

I think of what used to happen, what Henry used to do to me, what he used to say to me.

He was sweeter back on the train ride.

When did he become so....?






I need to stop.

I need a break.

I just need a breath outside.

I need to clear my head.

Quickly standing to my feet, I grab for the doorknob, swinging it open before shutting it loudly behind me.

Tom's still lazily sitting in the chair.

His head is swung back, his eyes closed.

He didn't bother to clean his paper mess gathered on the table.

He looks drunk.

One of his eyes slightly opens as I walk past.

"Where are you going?"

-He asks, his voice tired as he moves his head slightly my way, both his eyes now open.

"That's not your business, Tom."

-I answer, not looking back at him.

He mumbles something to himself as I leave, though I'm not able to hear it.

I'm careful as I make my way outside.


"God, of course."

-I mumble to myself as she leaves.

I think for a moment as I quickly look around the common room, still laying in my chair.

She's going outside.

I know she is.

She's going to do something reckless, maybe try to climb a tree, or fly just as that muppet had forced her to the other day.

He's by far worse than me.

She'll thank me for doing this.

I stand to my feet as I gather all my pages, going for the door to follow her.

*(Y/N) POV*

I slowly walk through endless trees, staring at the ground as I kick partially melted snow around.

My shoes are already soaked.

I should have brought my coat.

I try to stare out at the trees in front of me, though it's much too dark to see anything within five feet of me.

Placing my cold hands in my pocket to try and thaw them out, I feel paper in my pocket.

Pulling the small paper out, it takes me a second to remember it's Henry's note I had shoved in there earlier from this morning.

I had forgotten to read it.

Unfolding it, I begin to read it.

"Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did, I'll make it up to you later.

I promise."

Scoffing, I crumple the note, tossing it far ahead of me before looking back down to the ground.

"Why do you do this?"

My breath staggers at the sudden sound of Tom's voice behind me.

"Why do you have to follow me?"

-I ask, ignoring his question as I continue to kick snow, despite my frozen feet.

"I knew you were going to do something idiotic. Act on impulse."

-He answers.

"Oh really?"

-I say, now turning to look up at him.

"What "idiotic" thing am I doing now?"

He looks down at my dripping shoes before looking back at me.


Though my feet are now too numb to feel it, I believe him.

We both stand in silence as I stare down.

The air is cold and fresh.

I sigh before speaking again.

"We aren't together anymore-"

I pause for a moment before talking again.

"-So, why do you care?"

{Hey my children, enjoy}

{Hope you enjoyed this chapter and noticed that this one of longer than the rest, I don't know why, I just felt like writing I suppose}

{Here, If you were to become famous for absolutely anything, what would you want to become famous for?}

{For me maybe a sort of therapist. I really don't know why but I've been told I'm a very good listener and whatnot so why not}


{I went to some sort of water park with my family today but I couldn't swim (you know) so it was depressing just walking around while holding everybody's stuff, but the point of my story is that while just walking around, this bit younger boy walked past me, and while doing so he moaned in a very feminine way right in my ear}

{I don't know what to think of that}

{It was very interesting and you ought to know}

{Alright, night}

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