Chapter 71

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Breakfast is dull and boring.

Watching students eat isn't as exciting as I once thought it would be.

As I finish up with my breakfast, it does start to get more intriguing as I watch Tom walk in with Bellatrix by his side, very close to him.

It's odd as I watch them sit near each other, even Tom doesn't like being that close with anyone, just in public I suppose.

He doesn't seem to say a word as Bellatrix brings her face close to him, he stares down, just listens as she whispers things in his ear.

His eyes fall to mine from across the room.

I feel my face turn hot red.

Beginning to get uncomfortable, I quickly look away before standing up.

I'm done here.

I walk to the door, keeping my gaze from them.

But he blocks my way as I get to it.

Nearly having myself slam into him, I stop.

I don't want to look up, I know it's him.

But I do anyway.

Clinging right to his shoulder, sure enough, it's Bellatrix.

She grins sinisterly at me before I speak.

"What do you want now?"

"Need I remind you, we have work to do."

-He says, his voice a bit dull.

I let out a small huff as I look away from him.

"Yes, I remember."

Bellatrix lets out a small giggle.

I glare at her for a second before darting my eyes away once again.

I shouldn't bother with her.

"Then we'll meet in the common room. Twenty minutes."

I walked past him right as he finished his sentence, not bothered to respond.

Leaning comfortably into one of the chairs, I wait for Tom's appearance.

Though I try not to, I do wish to know what's suddenly going on with him and Bellatrix.

It seems to just have shown up out of nowhere.

I didn't think he even liked Bellatrix, I thought he hated her at the very least.

It isn't my business, I shouldn't be thinking about this.

I shouldn't be feeling like this either.

The doors swing open as I find myself lost in thought.

Not even needing to look, I know it's them by Bellatrix's horrible cackle of a laugh.

He sits in the chair opposite of me, Bellatrix squeezing herself right in next to him.

"I couldn't find my papers."

-I say, trying to silence out her voice.

"I know, I took them."

-Tom says, grabbing dozens of folded papers from his robe pocket.

"When did..."

-I start to say, but slowly stop as I reach for some of the papers.

Bellatrix sneers at me,though I restrain myself from looking her way.

Throughout our working period, she certainly has her ways of making sure we haven't forgotten about her presence.

Randomly giggling, saying rude comments and obsessively touching Tom are all things she makes sure of doing every now and then.

I wish she'd just leave.


(The Night Before)

Finally, she's gone to sleep.

I watch Bellatrix lay in bed as I dress myself again.

Why did I do this.

I shouldn't have done this.


Not with her.

Leaving her dorm, I don't bother locking the door, I just shut it closed.

What am I to do now?

Going to bed now is a waste of time.

I need work to keep me busy.

Work always works.

I'll just work.

Walking towards the staircase, I stop at (Y/N)'s door.

(Y/N) has some of my papers.

She took some earlier.

I need them to stay awake.

I need all of them.

I remind myself of this as I slowly open her door.

Thankfully, she's asleep.

I don't want a repeat of what happened before when I was searching for something in her room, So I'm more careful this time.

Quietly slipping my hand inside the pockets of the robe on her desk.

I've found the papers.

I'm quiet as I transport the papers from her uniform pocket to mine.

Though, I don't want to leave just yet.

Just a bit longer.

{Well I hope you liked this chapter}

{What's something that you naturally do and can't control}

{I have this habit where when I get nervous, I tend to smile}

{I really enjoyed answering your questions, so feel free to ask more}

{Alright well, have a nice day and until next time}

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