Chapter 43

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The weeks pass by as I continue my stay at Hogwarts.

For once, I'm not sure if I know how to do this, to keep her happy for so long.

I try to, I genuinely try to, for instance I'd try to agree to what she'd want to do often but she has very spellbinding desires.

The way she does things and acts is somewhat captivating and puzzling yet so undermining as it's done the same way by everyone.

Though I hope this feeling doesn't go away.

It's December 20, 6:45 am.

A pair of warm hands fall to my shoulders, causing me to instantly wake from my sleep.

I abruptly sit up, quickly looking around the dark room as I force my eyes to adjust, only to see (Y/N) standing to my left, her hands still on me.

I look over to my roomates on my right, who were still asleep, and without a word, I grab (Y/N) by the shoulder as I get out of bed, pulling her out the room with me as I grab my uniform robe with my other hand before reaching for the door as I closed it shut, leaving me and (Y/N) both alone in the common room.

"What's wrong with you?! Are you alright?"

-I demanded as I kept hold of her right shoulder, her back pressed up against the wall as I stepped in closer, getting more and more irritated from the silence by the second.

"I- um-"

-She spit out.

"(Y/N)? What couldn't possibly wait till morning?"

"I just.."

-She slowly began.

I raised an eyebrow as my patience began to run out.

"I wanted to see the sunrise."

"The sunrise? You woke me up to watch the sunrise?"

"Well you don't have to come, I just thought you would want to."

I lightly shook my head as I spoke-

"Alright I'll go, you'd die otherwise."

-Rolling my eyes as I slowly let her shoulder go.

"Just go grab your coat, it's cold out."

Within a few short minutes of waiting for (Y/N) to get ready, I used an Apparition spell, teleporting us both outside, just in time for the sunrise.

"I don't understand how you're so fascinated by this."

-I asked as I tried to break the silence between us as she seemed to be mesmerized by the colors forming in the sky by the sun.


-She replied as she continued to stare up at the sky.

"Look, you've seen it now, it's risen. You're going to catch a cold, let's go."

-I said, trying to get her to leave.

"Tom, you're the only one that's going to catch a cold. It's not my fault that you were too preoccupied with what I was wearing to care to put a jacket on yourself."

-She snapped back.

"I'm not cold, I don't get cold."

"Mhm, just like you don't get sick?"

I rolled my eyes at her little comment before saying-

"Alright, you've seen the sunrise, let's go back now."

Before she could reply, I grabbed her arm, quickly transporting us back to her room.

"Ugh you're so boring, why do I even bother asking you anymore, I should just go alone."

-She grinned as she took off her coat, falling back onto her bed.


She let out a little scoff as I turned to the door.

"We have some time before school, it's best if you sleep now or you'll feel drowsy during the day. I'll wake you up for school."

-She shrugged before saying-

"Maybe, I Think I'll just read for the time being."

"My god, ok, goodnight."

-I mumbled under my breath before saying "goodnight" and leaving.

Why doesn't she ever just listen to me. 

~Have a good day/night my lovelies~

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