Chapter 40

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I slightly groaned as I woke up, shifting my body into a more comfortable position from my last one, leaving my body sore and aching from being so still for such a long period of time throughout the night.

Quickly I turned my head around behind myself, suddenly remembering where I had spent the night.

Next to me laid (Y/N), lightly snoring as her body steadily moved up and down, matching her breathing.

I continued to stare at her for a while longer, my fingers lingering on her cheek, somewhat admiring and enjoying the fact that she was here,

with me,


Upon returning back to reality, I turned my head back around, carefully sitting up and getting out of bed.

Quickly flicking open the pocket watch I had left on the desk the night before, I read the time.


I thought for a minute as I looked around the room before quietly getting up.

Swiftly, I grabbed a few of my things along with the clothes I had been wearing the other day and quietly left the room.

After locking the door shut, I went straight into my dorm, grabbing a few more things from my suitcase before walking into my bathroom and slamming the door shut.

"It's fucking 6 in the morning Tom!"

-One of my roommates yelled at me as I began to get myself ready for a shower.

*After showering and all that*

As I finished getting dressed, I went straight back to her room, somewhat hoping (Y/N) was still asleep as I left her.

Just as I had wished, she was still asleep.

Relieved, I closed and locked the door, checking my pocket watch as I stood in the middle of her room.

It read 6:54, nearly 7.

She has around an hour and a half before she should start to get up, I'll leave her be until then.

Now I wasn't really sure with what to do with myself, I just awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, looking around for something to do.

I don't want to risk waking her up so I suppose it's best if I don't sit near her, maybe I can find some kind of work to do somewhere in this room.

( -Tom's a workaholic- )

As I was looking around, I noticed a book sitting on (Y/N)'s nightstand.

By the look of it I knew it isn't mine so it was sure to be hers.

As I grabbed it, flipping through it, I almost immediately realized what book it was.

Nearly every page I flipped through had some sort of writing, written by my handwriting in.

Words scattered throughout the book like-

"Rubbish" and "foolish", along with some paragraphs and even pages scribbled out.

I suppose I shouldn't have ruined her book, but to be fair it was a horrible book.

As I felt myself beginning to feel guilty, I decided it wouldn't hurt to give it another try and read it again until (Y/N) woke up, or at least attempted to with all of my writing everywhere.

*Insert Tommy Boy reading noises*

~Hey guys and gals , sorry this chapter was kind of boring and short but by now you cool cats are probably sick of excuses so just bear with me on these~

~And if you guys want to see/read anything particular in the next few chapters, just message me or comment and I'll try my best to make it happen~

~I would also just like to say thank you to all of you wonderful people who stuck around so far especially with my very cringe first few chapters~

~Whenever I see someone's voted or added my story to their reading list or especially comments or reacts to any chapter, it really just makes my day and fills me with so much joy~

~I can't even describe how happy you guys make me, so I'd just like to say Thank you and I hope you have a good night or day wherever you are~

~Love you guys <3~

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