Chapter 47

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It took me a little while to figure out what to do.

It was a bit odd as well, not having something to do, but eventually I found something quite time consuming.

I finally decided just to work a bit more on my homework, very fun I know.

Though it was fully finished, it wouldn't hurt just to reread it and correct any mistakes and whatnot.

Being sick of staying in my room for a long time, I brought myself down to the common room, where I began to work at one of the tables.

The common room is never fully empty, there's always one or two people there at the very least, besides me of course.

But here I was, alone.

It felt quite odd being the only person in the common room, at least without Tom it was.

Though the more I thought about it, it was a bit odd that no one was here, considering classes are done for the day.

But I suppose it makes sense, with it being the start of winter break and all, having students leave for home as I speak.

It just feels odd.

My nose fell deeper and deeper into my work as it got quieter and quieter around me, making it far more easier to concentrate on work. 

My head flew up as soon as I heard the common room door beginning to open.

It was odd, but I felt somewhat excited by the oncomoming company of someone entering the room. 

As the doors flew open, I was finally able to see who was there.

It was Bellatrix.

I began to quickly gather all my things up, hoping she hasn't seen me yet, but it was too late.

"Ooh what a nice surprise!"

I heard the click of her shoes hurry up behind me as I continued to gather my things up.

"Oh no, please sit!"

-She insisted, pushing me down on my chair, her sitting next to me as two other guys, assuming her friends, walked in behind her.

I sat there, frozen as she began to talk.

"So HOW have you been darling?"

-She asked, laughing after her sentence.

I just stayed quiet, ignoring her much like I had done to Tom a short while ago, god how I wished Tom were here.

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