Chapter 38

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As I successfully snuck outside,

(fuck you Tom, I did it)

- I sat on the ground alone with my knees to my chest, staring at the small bit of the sunset left in the reflection of the pond as it got darker and darker by the minute.

I suppose I hadn't thought this all through, assuming if Tom had actually gone with me-

(instead of being a little _____) 

- I wouldn't be here slowly freezing to death.

He can be so dull and yet so bold at the same time, refusing to sneak out with the "fear" of getting caught and yet he goes around trying to "kill" students.

I don't understand him, though to be fair I don't think anyone does.

With the sun fully set down and the moon brightly beaming high up, it grew colder and colder by the second.

I debated whether or not to go back, my robe can only keep me warm for so long but I wanted to stay out a bit longer, bother Tom with that if I could, make him rethink if he should have just came with me after all.

As I picked at the dying yellow grass, I felt myself begin to doze off.

My head fell down to my knees, still tucked into my chest, as the sleep took over my body, leaving me much too tired to move.

The deeper and deeper I fell asleep, the warmer and warmer I got, the sounds of the world around me slowly draining away.

Just as everything became fully silent, a pair of icy unwelcoming hands fell to my shoulders, harshly shaking me away from my rest.

I tried to lift my head up but with the drowsiness still present, I felt as my body began to fall backwards, hitting the ground underneath me.

The pair of ice cold numbing hands fell back to my shoulders, shaking me once again.

"Go away."

-I managed to whisper out as I attempted to shake the hands away.

"Get up."

-Hissed the voice whom I assume is the owner for thoses freezing hands.

I almost instantly realized the voice belonged to Tom.

"Fuck you.''

-I replied, this time a bit louder as I turned myself away from him.

"Just get up, you'll die in the cold."

"I don't care, I'm ready to."

-I mumbled, pulling my robe over my face, trying to block myself away from him.


-He snarled, yanking the robe from my face.

"God just leave me alone."

-I said before yawning as I rubbed my eyes awake.

He made some sort of "tsk" noise before finally staying quiet.

When I finally fully woke myself up, I lifted my head up a little, seeing Tom standing up in front of me, his clothes changed into the ones I had brought for him.

"You're still here?"

-I jokingly asked as he glared down at me before I laid my head back down.

"Let's go, it's getting colder."

"I'll go later."

There was a pause before I heard Tom mumble to himself-

"For christ sake."

-Before stepping over me, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me upright.

Tom kept hold of me as he pulled out his wand, pulling me closer before teleporting us back to my dorm.

He shoved me towards my bed as he went back to his work.

"You can go back to sleep."

"I liked it better outside."

"It's safer in here."

I scoffed in his response as I made my way towards the closet, picking out something to change into before heading into the bathroom.

*Insert Night Routine* 

~hope you enjoyed this one~

~just to let you guys know in case of any confusion, I changed my cover for this story today~

~just thought the old one was a bit odd~

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