Chapter 89

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An hour passes.

She still stays in my room.

As I continue with my book, she sits atop my bed, entertaining herself with my belongings.

There really isn't much to do, but she seems to be havin quite fun.

So I'll let her stay for a while longer.

"Can I have this?"

I look up, her voice breaking the long silence.

She holds out an old silver ring.

"It won't fit you."

"That doesn't matter, I like it. Can I have it?"

"I already gave you a ring, did you not like that one?"

"No I like it, look."

-She holds out her hand, showing the ring I had gifted her placed on her middle finger.

I didn't realize she still wore that.

"I just like this one too, so can I have it?"

-She asks once more, holding the ring close to her.

I pause for a moment, staring at the ring she chose.

It was a slightly rusted, silver flat top ring, one I usually wear daily.

Though I'd rather see her wear it.

"You can keep it."

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