Chapter 51

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I silently stood at the edge of (Y/N)'s bed, watching her as she quietly slept.

I felt irritated inside.

Irritated that she didn't bother to listen to me last night.

I don't think it's very difficult for someone just to change clothes and brush before passing out on the bed.

Why doesn't she ever listen to me?

She laid on top of the folded sheets and blankets, curled up close together.

I could see she couldn't even open up a blanket to lay with and now it's paying off.

Though I can't just stand by and watch her shiver, and so as irritated as I was, I couldn't stop myself from removing my robe and placing it over top of her.

I may be a vile and uncaring person but not when it comes to her I'm not.

Not wanting to leave, I slowly and quietly walked around the room, checking the time, staring through the window and watching (Y/N) as I awaited for her to wake up.


My head quickly turned her way as she began mumbling and moving quite a bit.



-I quietly called out to her as I walked closer.

I stared at her face, hoping she'd open her eyes but she didn't.

Was she talking in her sleep?

She'd called my name in her sleep.

She's never done that, at least while I've been here.

I'm oddly curious about what she might be dreaming about now, I have to be in it.

" it's..tom.....riddle......."

-She began mumbling again.

I stared at her some more, confused as to what could be happening in her mind as I hesitantly sat on her bed next to her.

Her body faced me as I sat up next to her.

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