The mission part.1

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Y/n P.OV~

I sighed as I waited with Xenoiva and Irina to show for those damned devil's top get here. I let out a sigh as I heard foot step's approaching us. I looked up the see that fucking vampire as she sat next to me.

Yuriko:" What's up, gang?"

Xenoiva:" Nothing much, just waiting, you?"

Yuriko:" About the same."

Yuriko then reached into her pocket and grabbed a blood bag before sticking a straw in it and began to drink it.

Y/n:" Are you drinking blood?"

Yuriko looked at me with the beautiful crimson orbs of hers. What the fuck am I thinking!? Yuriko leaned close to me and smirked.

Yuriko:" Do you want some."

Yuriko whispered into my ear as she spoke.

Yuriko:" Mr. Virigin~."

I blushed and growled as I quickly summoned a bayonet and promptly cut off her head, making blood spray everywhere.

Irina&Xenoiva:" Y/n!"

I looked to see that both Xenoiva and Irina both had blood from when I had decapitated the vampire on their faces.

Y/n:" Sorry."

Xenoiva:" You could have given us some warning before spraying us with this girl's fluids."

Irina:" Yeah! At least give us some warning next time!"

Once Yuriko's head grew back, I was forced to apologize to the vampiric girl.

Y/n:" I'm sorry, Yuriko..."

Yuriko:" It's alright; not the first, you have cut my head off. Oh, and you have a little bit of me on your cheek."

Y/n:" Wha?"

Yuriko then licked my right cheek, making me blush.

Yuriko:" You had some of my blood on your cheek."

I sighed a couple of minutes later after Xenoiva and Irina washed the blood off their faces, four devils, including that cunt, of a younger brother Issei. Some devil blond hair and grey eyes looked at Yuriko and smiled at the vampiric girl with a lewd grin.

???:" Well, aren't you a cute vampire~."

Yuriko:" Sorry, not into devils."

The devil sighed, sighed, and lowered his head in sadness as Issei patted his back. The devil's all put on priests' clothing before everyone split into three different groups. Xenovia and Irina were taking the west side of town, the devil's looking over the east, and Yuriko and I took a look on the north and south.

Yuriko:" So what is your favorite band?"

Y/n:" Rare Americans or Daft Punk. Why do you ask?"

Yuriko:" Just trying to make some small talk."

Y/n:" What is your favoitre band?"

Yuriko:" Slipknot."

I then smelt something familiar.

Y/n:" You smell that?"

Yuriko:" Yeah, vampires."

Yuriko and I walked into a forest, grinning as we found a group of vampires feasting on some dead bodies. I smirked and charged, summoning a bayonet in each hand as I attacked the vampires. I began to cut them down into shreds, and Yuriko shot them to death. The two of us began to kill the vampires; suddenly, I backed into something. Yuriko and I looked to see that we were back to back with each other. We both began to kill all of the vampires rapidly. Soon after, the two of us had slaughtered all of the vampires; Yuriko's phone began to ring; she quickly picked up her phone.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now