Battle of brothers

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Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n let out an enraged shout as he swung his bayonet at Victor, who was smiling at what he had just done. Y/n's blade swiftly and effectively ripped through his neck, covering the metal blade in blood. Victor's head tumbled off his body as a gazer of blood spewed out from the body covering Y/n's face as he huffed in anger from having his identity exposed to his most hated member of his biological family. Y/n began to walk away from Victor's corpse needing to cool off as the blood on him and his blade dripped onto the ground. Y/n felt a hand grab onto his shoulder.

Issei:" Brother, could we talk."

Y/n growled as he turned around and punched Issei in the mask, breaking his armor and making blood spew out of his armor as he was sent flying back. When Issei landed on the ground, Y/n shouted out in anger.

Y/n:" Stay the fuck away from me, Issei!"

Y/n began to walk away once again, turning his back on Issei. Issei got up, groaning as he did so. Issei struggled to get to his feet but eventually did, shaking as he did and screamed out.

Issei:" Brother!!!"

Y/n roared in anger as he hurled several bayonets into the red dragon emperor.

Y/n:" I'm not your damn brother, you cunt!"

The blades broke through Issei's armor, stabbing him making him bleed even more before he fell to his knees, Issei coughing up blood inside his armor. Y/n once again began to walk away, losing his patience and not wanting to fight his brother. Issei stupidly once again spoke while his armor repaired the holes left from Y/ns bayonets.

Issei:" Brother, please listen."

Y/n had lost it, his eyes glowing as he moved faster than the eyes could see, rushing at Issei before punching him in the stomach, launching him back. Issei landed on his feet, skidding to a halt as Y/n flew towards him like a speeding bullet before punching Issei again, causing a shockwave that shook the earth, creating massive cracks across the ground. Issei was sent flying once again. Y/n flew slashed Issei with his sword multiple times as blood spewed out before Y/n grabbed Issei's helmet and slammed him into the ground. Y/n began to punch Issei in the face over and over again. As Y/n brought his fist down onto Issei, cracking his armor's helmet, showing one of his amber eyes. Y/n and Issei's eyes locked with every passing second that Y/n gazed into his former brother's eyes; he grew even angrier than he already was. Y/n shouted before he ripped off the rest of Issei's helmet before he smashed his fist down on Issei's face making blood spew out as Y/n turned his brother's face into mush. Y/n then grabbed Issei and hurled him once again. Issei barely managed to land on his feet before Y/n punched him in the face again, making him stumble back before Y/n grabbed his hands and began to pull. Issei's flash bega to rip and tear as with a gush of blood Y/n ripped his brother's arms off. Y/n began to beat Issei to death with his own arms as slow and as painful as possible. As Y/n was about to stab Issei with a bayonet, Yuriko grabbed his arm and spoke.

Yuriko:" Y/n don't. He's below you not worth killing."

Y/n growled and spat on Issei before his girlfriend spoke.

Yuriko:" Come on, I want you to meet my father."

Alexander and Yuriko had freed the vampire king from his mind control, and Yuriko wanted her boyfriend and father to meet. Y/n walked with Yuriko and, hand in hand, to meet Alucard.

*Short epilogue*

Y/n P.O.V~

I sat on the couch of Yuriko and I's shop holding my sleeping daughter Victoria in my arms, smiling. I had married Yuriko along with the other members of our polygamous relationship and had children with Irina, Xenoiva, and Yumie. Heinkel said that she wasn't ready for kids, but no need to rush. I was about to put Vicotria upstairs in her crib, but I heard my phone ring. I sighed and picked it up before speaking.

Y/n:" Hello?"

Yuriko:" Hey darling, could you help me? There are demos outside; could you help me kill them?

I grinned as I spoke while putting my daughter in her crib.

Y/n: Oh hell yeah!"

I ran down to help my wife kill some demons. This was going to be fun!"

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