Moving on

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Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n sat at the table of his and Yuriko's shop eating a sandwich. Y/n had come back from visiting with his mother and was painterly waiting for his girlfriend to come back from the store. The door to the shop burst open with Yuriko dragged Shiroma, who was knocked out and tangled in her own wires after her battle with the vampire queen. Y/n looked over at the knocked-out monster hunter with his sandwich in his hand.

Y/n:" Who's this?"

Yuriko looked at the monster and spoke.

Yuriko:" Some dumb bitch who Rias hired to kill me."

Y/n:" Why would Rias want to kill you?"

Yuriko:" How the hell am I supposed to know?"

Yuriko put the monster hunter down as she sat in her chair next to Y/n's. Shiroma smiled as she untangled herself from her wire and spoke.

Shiroma:" Finally, I can get both my objectives done at once."

Yuriko:" How the hell?"

Shiroma chuckled as she looked at the vampire and the Nephilim.

Shiroma:" You securely think that I'm stupid enough to get tangled in my own wires? What do you take me for an idiot?"

Yuriko:" Yeah."

Shiroma growled slightly at Yuriko's comment. Y/n sighed as he put down his sandwich and stud up.

Y/n:" I really don't feel like fighting in here, especially since I just cleaned in here, so could I just pay you to go away and leave us alone."

Shiroma:" Some bounty hunters have honor in their job and will do whatever they must to succeed."

Shiroma put her strings back into her gauntlets and spoke.

Shiroma:" You're lucky I'm not one of them."

Y/n reached into his pocket, pulled out a wad of cash, and tossed it towards the monster hunter. Shiroma smiled and departed from the odd jobs shop. Yuriko exited the room, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone while dialing up her former apprentice.

Y/n:" Where are you going."

Yuriko:" I have to make a call."

*Scene change*

Gasper sat in his apartment, which he had rented in a pair of pink sweat pants and a hoodie, drinking some cholate milk. Gasper had been feeling depressed ever since he had gotten rejected by Yuriko. He wasn't angry or anything, just sad. Gasper's phone began to ring as he took it out of his pocket and saw that Yuriko was calling him. Gasper's eyes lit up, and he answered the call.

Gasper:" Hello."

Yuriko:" Hey Gaspy, we need to talk."

Gasper:" What about master?"

Yuriko:" Listen close here, Gaspy Rias hired an assassin to kill me and capture Y/n."

Gasper grew angry as he got off his seat and shouted out.

Gasper:" What!"

Yuriko:" Yeah, and I would usually talk to her myself, but I'm not available at the moment, so I was wondering if you could to speak to her about it?"

Gasper:" Yeah, I can do that."

Yuriko:" Thanks Gaspy."

Gasper:" No problem, bye."

Yuriko:" Bye."

Gasper hung up the call as he sighed and got dressed. Gasper left his apartment and went to the clubhouse of the occult research club and entered, seeing Rias sitting at her desk looking at papers. Rias looked up and smiled before speaking.

Rias:" Gasper, how are you?"

Gasper:" Fine but Rias, we need to talk."

Rias spoke with concern in her voice.

Rias:" What about?"

Gasper:" The fact that you hired an assassin to kill Yuriko."

Rias sighed before speaking.

Rias:" Gasper, I wasn't in the right state of mind when I made that decision, and I was doing it for you."

Gasper:" How so?"

Rias:" Ever since that woman rejected you have been miserable, and I hate seeing you like this. I thought that just taking her out of the equation would help."

Gasper sighed before speaking.

Gasper:" Look, Rias, life moves on, and we should move on with it. So give me some time, and I'll be fine."

Rias:" Okay, I just hate to see you like this."

Gasper was about to turn and walk away, but he remembered something.

Gasper:" Also, why did you want to capture Y/n?"

Rias blushed and looked down at her hands.

Rias:" Personal reasons."

Gasper:" Okay?"

Gasper left the O.R.C to go home and take a nap.























??? P.O.V~

I woke up strapped to a table as I looked to see a man who was clearly a werewolf with white hair looking at me with a twisted grin on his face.

???2:" Hello there."

???:" Where the hell am I."

The man began to walk as he spoke.

???2:" You, my dear, are at the organization headquarters called lupus."

The man looked at me, his crimson eyes meeting with my own.

???2:" And may I say welcome back to the land of the living...

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???2:" Yumiko Takagi..."

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now