Teaser for new story

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This is the next story that will be coming out after this feel free to check it out when it is out on my profile.


Y/n P.O.V~

I tightened the noose around my neck as I looked down at the forest. I closed my eyes and prepared to take my life before I heard my name called out.

Erza:" Y/n. Are you here?"

I gulped as Erza walked through the forest below me. I tried to get off the tree branch that I was standing on, but I slipped as I fell off the tree branch, and the noose tightened once again.

Third-person P.O.V~

Erza turned her head to see Y/n hanging from a noose wrapped around his neck and a tree branch, and her eyes widened.

Erza:" Y/n, what are you doing!"

Y/n spoke with a raspy voice and a grin on his face.

Y/n:" Oh, you know, just hanging around."

Erza summoned a sword and hurled it at the rope cutting Y/n down. Y/n fell on his ass before thanking Erza and getting up to walk somewhere else. Erza's scarlet hair covered her eyes as she looked down and spoke.

Erza:" Y/n did you try to kill yourself?"

Y/n stopped as he spoke.

Y/n:" So what if I did Erza? Why does it matter?"

Erza growled in anger as she grabbed Y/n and slammed him into a tree, gazing into his eyes with rage in sadness in them.

Erza:" Of course it matters. I care about you! Gajeel cares about you; we all do!"

Y/n looked down, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes.

Y/n:" So I deserve to die."

Erza:" What do you mean by that?"

I sighed as I told Erza the mistakes of my past. Me trying to take Rias for myself, nearly killing Issei and making Akeno cry. My voice broke as I spoke.

Y/n:" I tried to ruin their marriage; what kind of monster like that deserves to live."

Erza:" How long was this ago. How long have you been carrying this pain?"

Y/n:" About five years ago."

Erza sighed before she spoke.

Erza:" Y/n the truth is unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward."

Erza pulled me into a hug before speaking.

Erza:" Y/n, you've been walking around with this pain growing and swelling inside you for five years. You've served your punishment."

Erza pulled away from the hug and extended her hand out to me.

Erza:" Don't kill yourself for something that happened in the past. Please forgive yourself for me..."

Y/n looked down for a second before speaking and taking Erza's hand into his own.

Y/n:" Okay Erza, for you."



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Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now