Return to kuoh

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sat on the train reading a book. I was bord, very bord. I was on a five-hour train ride with nothing to do, and to a place I didn't want to go to on a mission I wasn't enjoying, which was an incredibly rare occurrence. I usually loved going on missions. I always loved helping the church and killing evil forces, but I have to return to kuoh. I avoided returning to kuoh mainly because I didn't want to run into my former brother or former family. The train stopped, and I got up from my seat, grabbed my bag, and exited the train a. I looked at the blue sky. I sighed to myself and slightly smiled.

Y/n:" Welcome home, Y/n."

I took out my phone and looked at the time and saw that I had about an hour before my meeting Xenoiva and Irina. I pulled out my phone and looked to see if there were any good places to eat. I quickly found a doughnut shop and bought a bag of doughnuts and sat on a nearby bench. I took out my copy of the bible and began to read some of the beautiful words. As I read and ate the doughnuts, about forty-five minutes passed. I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost time to meet Xenoiva and Irina. I got off the bench and began to walk to the meeting place. I arrived at the meeting place and sat down on the ground as I waited for the two girls to arrive. I waited for about twenty minutes before I heard someone speak.

???:" Y/n Anderson?"

I looked up to see two girls in white cloaks standing in front of me, one with blue hair and a green streak along with yellow eyes; the other was a girl with orange hair and purple eyes.

Y/n:" Yes?"

The orange-haired girl smiled, she spoke.

Irina:" Oh, Y/n, how can you not recognize this face; it's me, Irina Shidou!"

The blue-haired girl who I gathered must have been Xenoiva put her hand on Irina's shoulder she spoke.

Xenoiva:" Relax, Irina, it has been a couple of years."

I smiled as I stood up as I smiled at the two girls.

Y/n:" That it has. I'm happy to see the two of you again."

They were still shorter than me, but not by too much.

Y/n:" The both of you have grown so much."

Irina brightly smiled as she spoke.

Irina:" So have you finally become a priest?"

Y/n:" Sadly, I am still only a seminarian."

Irina:" Yeah, bit, that's still good."

The three of us began to walk to where we would be staying as we all talked.

Y/n:" So any plans besides the mission while the two of you are here?"

Irina:" I'm going to see an old friend. What about you, Xenoiva?"

Xenoiva:" I don't have any plans. You Y/n?

Y/n:" Afraid not."

As we reached our temporary home, I saw that it was the same abanded church that I had met Yuriko in almost a year ago. I smirked, thinking about the vampiric girl.

Xenoiva:" Hye Y/n, are you okay? Your cheeks are red."

Y/n:" Wait wha-."

I quickly felt that my cheeks were hotter than usual I was blushing. I was blushing because of a filthy heathen. What the fuck was wrong with me. Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing. After we had all moved into our respective rooms, the duo of girls left to do something while I decided to stay in my room reading. About two hours later, they came back from their little activity, and both entered their rooms.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now