Mission in Russia

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Y/n P.O.V~

I puked over the side of the boat as Xenoiva spoke with shock in her voice as she and Irina watched.

Xenoiva:" Wow, you really do get seasick quickly."

After I finished puking my guts out, I got up and spoke.

Y/n:" Sadly, yes, I do."

Irina then handed me a red pill as she spoke.

Irina:" Here, this should make your seasickness better."

I took the pill to make me feel better, hopefully. Xenoiva then spoke as she looked at me with her arms folded.

Xenoiva:" So Y/n why we are going to Russia anyway?"

Irina:" Yeah, we were never briefed on our mission."

I sit down as I spoke.

Y/n:" When Rias asked me what I wanted for my reward for the two of you beating her forces, I had her give me some information."

Xenoiva:" What kind of information?"

Y/n:" Rias was in the position of an item called Helena's nail witch was one of the nails the pierced Crist's body when he was nailed onto the cross."

Xenoiva:" So what are we going to do when we get the nail?"

Y/n:" We will bring it back to the Vatican, where they will lock it back in the quote, "don't fuck this armory."

Irina:" But wouldn't it be a powerful weapon against the fallen angels and our other enemies?"

My hands shook as I remember what had happened to my father on that day.

My hands shook as I remember what had happened to my father on that day

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A single tear leaked out of my eye as I spoke.

Y/n:" No..."

Xenoiva:" But it could-."

Y/n:" The answer is no, Xenoiva, you haven't seen what that thing did to my father!"

Irina sat next to me as she spoke with concern in her voice.

Irina:" What happened to your dad?"

Y/n:" It's something I would rather not go into right now."

Irina:" Okay, well, if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

Y/n:" Thanks, Irina."

The orange-haired girl smiled as the boat arrived at the doc a few minutes later. We got all of our documents approved and were let into the country. My two apprentices and I entered a shop that Heinkel had informed me that the nail was being kept. I went to the shopkeeper and asked if they had the item I had ordered and was here to pick it up. I was handed an item that was wrapped in cloth. I thanked the shop keeper and gave it to Irina for safekeeping. The two girls and I walked back to our hotel and checked in. Xenoiva and Irina got their rooms, respectively. A couple of hours later, when both of the girls were asleep. I picked the lock and entered Irina's room and doing my best to stay quiet and as I grabbed the nail and put it in my pocket, Irina sat up in her bed and woke up.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now