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Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n's eyes twitched as he sat up, groaning as he did so. Y/n looked to see that he looked to be in some fancy hotel room.

???:" So your finally awake."

Y/n turned his head to see the angelic woman that had saved him from the battle of New-york.

???:" There are some clothes in the Get dressed; you have places to be."

Y/n looked down as he realized he was naked under the covers. Y/n blushed as the angel looked at him and spoke.

???:" Your belongings are in the drawers. along with some clothing."

The angel exited the room as Y/n got out of bed and got dressed, grabbing everything he needed. He got dressed in his blue jacket, a black button-up shirt, black pants, and a pair of black knee-high boots. Y/n exited the room as he grabbed his stuff, and he looked out to see that he was standing on clouds with many people with halo's over their heads, talking to one another and doing other things. The angel spoke as he looked at Y/n.

???:" Come on, we have to meet Micheal."

Y/n:" As in the archangel Micheal?"

The angel nodded as her wings came out, and she began to fly away; Y/n relived his wing and began to follow the angel. As the two angels flew, they landed on the ground of clouds in front of a man with blond hair and green eyes. The man smiled as he looked at Y/n.

Micheal:" Y/n Anderson, so nice to finally meet you; I'm Micheal."

Y/n:" It's a honer, sir."

Micheal smiled as the other angel left the two of them to talk.

Y/n:" So why did you want to talk to me, sir?"

Micheal sighed before speaking while rubbing the back of his head.

Micheal:" Well, something that I feel I should inform you about."

Y/n:" And what is that?"

Micheal:" You are not an angel."

Y/n eyes widened in shock as he had been told his whole life that he was an angel.

Y/n:" What..."

Micheal nodded before speaking.

Micheal:" Your something called a Nephilim witch is a half-demon and half-angel hybrid."

Y/n looked down at his hands as he spoke.

Y/n:" How is this even possible?"

Micheal:" Well, you are the result of an experiment using angel and demon cells. The sperm cell they used was human, and they used an egg cell from a demon, and they spliced angel cells in the mixture creating you."

Y/n looked down at his hands as he spoke in shock.

Y/n:" I'm a test tube baby?"

Micheal nodded before Y/n once again spoke.

Y/n:" Why are you telling me this?"

Micheal:" You have only learned to use your angelic powers witch created an imbalance; when you tried to use your demonic powers when fighting Yuriko, you lost control; you must learn to use both sides of your power if you ever want to use your full potential. I recommend you learn from your biological mother see is a peaceful demon who lives in America."Y/n spoke as he looked down.

Y/n:" Thank you for telling me this, sir."

Micheal smiled as he spoke.

Micheal:" It's no problem now I have a gift for you due to your service to the church. Bring out your wing."

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now