Memories of the past

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Third-person P.O.V~

Yumie sat in the waiting room of the Vatican, a glass of wine in her hand as she waited for Heinkel to remove her bandages as she didn't need to wear them anymore due to her scars being healed due to the chemical bath that she had been given. Yumie got out of her seat and knocked on Heinkel's door while speaking.

Yumie:" Heinkel, everything okay in there?"

Heinkel:" Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just looking in zee mirror."

Yumie entered her room and looked in with her friend as she spoke, the both of them looking in the mirror.

Yumie:" Just like old times."


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Heinkel:" Yeah, put Y/n isn't vith us zis time..."

Yumie:" I wish he were with us."

Heinkel:" Me too."

Yumie:" Speaking of that, where is Y/n?"

Heinkel:" At his shop vith zat vampire, I vould imagine."

Yumie:" Okay, I have to see him later."

Heinkel cocked an eyebrow as she spoke.

Heinkel:" How come?"

Yumie blushed and smiled as she looked away.

Yumie:" Well, after coming back to life, I am going to something that I regretted not doing when I was alive the first time."

Heinkel:" Und vat vould zat be?"

Yumie smiled as she spoke.

Yumie:" I'm going to stop being a nun and tell Y/n how I feel about him."

Heinkel's eyes widened as she spoke.

Heinkel:" Vu like Y/n, put vu rejected him ven ve were younger?"

Yumie:" Yeah, but that was because I had already begun a process of becoming a nun, and I didn't want to turn my back on that opportunity, but now I have a second chance, and I'm going to tell Y/n how I feel so we can finally be together."

Heinkel's eyes softened as she spoke with sadness in her voice.

Heinkel:" Oh, Yumie, I hate to zay it put zat's not exactly possible."

Yumie cocked an eyebrow as she spoke with a curious look in her eyes.

Yumie:" How so, Heinkel? What the hell is that supposed to mean."

Heinkel sighed before was speaking.

Heinkel:" Zat vampire Y/n vas vith, Yuriko Pasha Tepes is his girlfriend."

Yumie's eyes widened as she looked down and spoke with a down voice.

Yumie:" Oh..."

Yumie got out of her seat and exited to the room before entering her bedroom and laying down on her bed as tears leaked out of her eyes, remembering the day that she rejected Y/n.

*Flashback start!*

Yumie stood with Y/n behind the church as Y/n blushed spoke.

Y/n:" Y-Yumie, would you please be my girlfriend."

Yumie blushed and looked down, her dark hair covering her eyes as she spoke.

Yumie:" I'm s-sorry Y/n, but I have plans to become a nun."

Y/n smiled as he began to sniffle.

Y/n:" O-okay s-sorry for wasting your time then."

Yumie was about to speak but couldn't as Y/n sprinted off, running away as he needed to be alone right now. Yumie sighed as she watched Y/n run away, a sad look on her face.

*Flashback end!*

Yumie cried herself to sleep, knowing that the man she had fallen for had chosen someone else. Heinkel sighed, knowing how her friend felt as she looked down as she held a glass of wine in her hand. A day after Yumie had cried, Heinkel saw her sitting in a stairwell and sat next to her as she spoke.

Heinkel:" Hey, I'm here. I know how you feel, and I'm here if vu need to talk."

Yumie looked at her friend as she spoke.

Yumie:" You know how I feel?"

Heinkel nodded as she spoke.

Heinkel:" I do. you're not zee only one vo likes Y/n poth his former apprentice's und I are in zee zame boat as you."

Yumie looked down as she hugged her friend while speaking.

Yumie:" Thank you..."

Heinkel smiled as she embraced Yumie, doing her best to make her feel better.


















Yuriko P.O.V~

I sat in my chair looking at a meme I had found on my phone while chuckling. 


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My phone began to ring as I picked it up before speaking.

Yuriko:" Yellow?"

Xenovia:" Yes, hello Yuriko, could I talk to you about something?"

Yuriko:" What is it?"

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now