Mission to hell

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sat in the passenger seat of Yuriko's car, looking out the window as I spoke.

Y/n:" Dear, where are we going?"

Yuriko spoke while driving.

Yuriko:" I got a call from Xenovia saying that she needs to talk with us about something."

Y/n:" Huh, I wonder what she needs to talk about?"

Yuriko:" It must be important if she needed both of us."

Yuriko parked in the parking lot before the two of us got out of the car and entered the Iscariot building. The two of us entered the room where Xenoiva had asked us to meet and sat down. The two of us sat in wooden chairs in front of Xenovia's desk as I spoke.

Y/n:" So Xenovia dear, what did you call us here for?"

Xenovia blushed at me, calling her dear, and spoke.

Xenovia:" Well, Heinkel asked me if I could possibly convince you to do a mission for us."

Y/n:" How much is the pay?"

Xenovia:" We will give you two however much money you want once the mission is complete."

Yuriko and I grinned at each other, the two of us knowing what we would use that money for.

Y/n:" Very well; when can we start."

Xenovia:" Y/n meet up with Irina and Yumie in the armory to get ready for your mission. Yuriko fallow me. Heinkel needs to talk to you about something?"

Yuriko:" Understood."

Yuriko quickly kissed me on the cheek before leaving as I blushed. I exited the room and entered the armory seeing both my friends looking at all the weapons. I smiled and spoke.

Y/n:" Irina, Yumie, it's good to see you both again."

Irina hugged me as she smiled.

Irina:" It's good to see you too."

Yumie smiled as she spoke.

Yumie:" As much as I would love to catch up with you, but you have to get going on your mission now."

Y/n:" Speaking of that, what is my mission?"

Yumie looked down as she spoke.

Yumie:" We are sending you to hell to retrieve the soul of Alexander Anderson."

My eyes widened with anger as I growled and gripped Yumie's shirt while lifting her and shouting as my demonic flames began to form around me in an aura.

Y/n:" Why the fuck are you having to get my father's soul! What the hell is it for Yumie!"

I was about to continue to shout at Yumie before Irina spoke.

Irina:" The Lupus organization has changed the Hellsing organization and us to one last final battle. We were able to regenerate Alexander's body with the Lazuras water we got from the lupus compound, but his soul hasn't come back, and we need him."

I sighed and put my old friend down before I sighed, and my flames disappeared.

Y/n:" I see."

I summoned a bayonet, thinking back about my father teaching me how to fight and those beautiful days I had with Yumie and Heinkel. I sighed as I put my bayonet away and spoke.

Y/n:" Okay, let's get started."

Irina and Yumie opened a portal to hell, the crimson portal ripping out through the room. I sighed and looked at my two lady friends before saying goodbye and hopping through the portal. Suddenly was fallowing through the red sky of hell as I looked and saw the city of hell.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now