Battle in New-york

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Third-person P.O.V~

Yuriko and Gasper sat in front of Integra and Seras as Integra spoke while pointed to a projector screen.

Integra:" As you may or may not know. New york city was attacked and captured by a known terrorist organization of Werewolfs terrorists otherwise known as lupus."

Yuriko:" I see. Are you sending Gasper and I to kill these Werewolves?"

Integra nodded while looking at the vampiric duo. Yuriko got up from her seat and exited the room and outside of the building, Gasper close behind her.

Gasper:" Um master, if you don't me asking, how are we going to get to London to new york without a plane?"

Yuriko smirked as her form began to dissolve as she spoke.

Yuriko:" Don't worry, Gaspy, I have my ways~."

Xenoiva P.O.V~

Irina and I walked through the broken and abandoned new-york streets; it looked like a wasteland.

Irina and I walked through the broken and abandoned new-york streets; it looked like a wasteland

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Xenoiva:" That it is."

Suddenly Irina and heard a voice.

???:" You're going to die here."

We looked to see a man with white hair with wolf ears sitting on top of a broken car that was rammed into a streetlight, a gun in his hands. Irina and I both took out our swords, getting ready to fight. Serval people with guns then surrounded us. The man on top of the car spoke with a grin on his face.

???:" I recommend you come with us unless you want to die."

Xenoiva:" I think you will be the ones dying here."

Irina:" Yeah, I agree."

The man cackled as he spoke with a grin on his face.

???:" You bitches must be insane if you think something like that will happen!"

The man was suddenly impaled by a bayonet that had fallen from the sky. Bayonets rained from the sky and stabbed into each of the werewolves. Y/n majestically floated from the sky, his wing out as he landed on the ground.

Y/n:" You two okay?"

I nodded as my teacher spoke.

Y/n:" Okay. Search for hostages and kill as many werewolves as you."

Xenoiva&Irina:" Yes sir!"

Gasper P.O.V~

I walked through the destroyed streets of new-york my hands shaking as I held my gun. Master had sent me to find hostages and save anyone that I could. I walked into a warehouse as I saw many people I wasn't expecting.

Gasper:" Master?"

I looked to see Rias, Akeno, Asia, and Kiba tied up and gagged in chairs. I quickly ran to my master and began to untie them all.

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