Old friends

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sat in Yuriko's and I's shop as I looked at a newspaper. Yuriko sat next to me on the couch and put her head on my shoulder.

Yuriko:" What are you reading about?"

Y/n:" Nothing much, just the news."

Yuriko smiled and locked her hand with her boyfriends. A couple of minutes later, Y/n go off the couch and stood up, speaking.

Y/n:" Well, I best be going. I have to meet mom here soon."

Yuriko smiled as she blushed and looked down as she spoke.

Yuriko:" Uh dear, is it possible that I could meet her sometime."

Y/n smiled as he spoke.

Y/n:" I think she would like that a lot."

Yuriko smiled, saying goodbye to her love before he left. Yuriko smiled as she thought about her boyfriend before she heard the phone ring as she grabbed the phone and answered it.

Yuriko:" Demon hunters for hire?"

Xenovia:" Hello ms.Tepes."

Yuriko recognized the exorcist's voice and spoke while playing with the phone cord around her finger.

Yuriko:" Hello Xenovia, how are you doing?"

Xenovia:" Fine, but I was wondering if the Vatican could hire you and Y/n's services?"

Yuriko:" Yeah, what do you need us to do?"

Xenovia:" The five of us would infiltrate the Lupis organization and take the information we need."

Yuriko:" Sounds doable. I will let Y/n know."

Yuriko took out her phone and quickly texted Y/n, letting her know about the job they had been hired to do. After Y/n finished meeting with his mother, he arrived back at the shop, picked up his and Yuriko's equipment, and got into the car before driving off to the meeting place. A couple of minutes later, the duo of demon hunters drove the vehicle and exited it once they reached the location. As Y/n exited Yuriko's car, he was tackled into a hug by Irina, who was ecstatic seeing her old mentor again.

Irina:" Y/n!"

Y/n smiled and returned the hug before getting up seeing a smiling Xenovia, who joined the hug as Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" I'm so happy to see you both."

Y/n and his former apprentices got out of the hug as he saw Heinkel in her usual clothing. Y/n spoke with dull eyes.

Y/n:" Heinkel."

Heinkel:" Y/n."

Y/n moved past Heinkel as the group entered the warehouse they had met up at to investigate Lupis. As the group walked further and further into the warehouse, they entered a large chamber with a pool of glowing green liquid beneath them and several werewolves working. Y/n had his hands in his pockets when he spoke.

Y/n:" Hello there!"

All of the werewolves looked at Y/n and screamed out as they ran.

Werewolf:" It's the killing judge run!"

Y/n sighed as he spoke.

Y/n:" Well, that was anti-climatic."

A shadow loomed over Y/n as he summoned two bayonets and Yumi came falling from the heavens as she slashed at Y/n. Y/n spoke with wide eyes as he spoke.

Y/n:" Yumie?"

Yumie grinned, her dark hair covering her eyes before kicking Y/n away. Y/n growled as he looked at his former friend; her eyes twisted and a marking on her forehead. It is evident that she was under some kind of mind control. Y/n growled as he got in a fighting stance.

Y/n:" Yuriko, get everyone out of here and find what we need. I'll deal with Yumie."

Heinkel stayed behind and got her guns out, getting ready to fight. Y/n looked and spoke to his former friend.

Y/n:" I said get out of here Heinkel."

Heinkel:" Y/n, Yumie vas mein friend too let me fight vith vu!"

Y/n sighed as he spoke.

Y/n:" Very well."

Y/n charged at Yumie and slashed at her, but she drew her katana and shattered Y/n's bayonets. Heinkel shot at Yumie, but she cut all the bullets in half. Both Heinkel and Y/n fought the best they could without hurting Yumie, but they were not a match for her as the fight droned on and on. Y/n spoke with tears in his eyes.

Y/n:" Yumie, please, I don't want to fight you."

Y/n extended his hand as he spoke.

Y/n:" We're family remember?"

The marking on Yumie's forehead disappeared as she spoke.

Yumie:" Y/, Heinkel..."

Heinkel smiled as she spoke with hoy in her voice.

Heinkel:" Yumie, oh thank zee lord, I'm zo happy zat your-!"

A gunshot echoed out as blood spilled out from Heinkel's chest as she fell off the platform and into the glowing liquid below. Y.n looked to see a werewolf with a sniper rifle who was smirking before diving into the bright liquid after his friend.

Y/n:" Heinkel!"

Y/n was submerged before he grabbed the blond-haired woman and pulled her out of the liquid. Y/n flew up to Yumie as he spoke with worry in his voice.

Y/n:" We have to get her to a doctor!"

Yumie nodded as they gathered up the group and quickly left the warehouse.














Yumie P.O.V~

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital while Heinkel was getting examined by the doctors. The green liquid witch was the same chemical that brought me back to life and healed my wounds, had restored her injuries. What a strange world we live in; I looked at the magazine as I wondered what it would be like if I had said yes to Y/n back then... 

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