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Yuriko P.O.V~

I woke up in my coffin as I sighed and opened the coffin before sitting up and stretching. I got out of my pajamas and into my work clothes. I exited my room, walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, and saw both Gasper and Seras drinking out of mugs and talking to each other I walked to my coffee machine and poured a cup of coffee for myself. I was about to take a sip of it, but suddenly I was on the floor bleeding; my boss had cut my legs off.

Yuriko:" Integra, what the fuck!?"

I quickly regrew my legs and looked Integra in the eye as I shouted at her.

Yuriko:" You bitch, what the fuck was that for!?"

Integra:" Do you know how much money your antics have cost us!? I am up to my ass in property damage!"

I began to argue with my boss angrily.

Third-person P.O.V~

Gasper and Seras watched their colleges fight while drinking their beverages.

Gasper:" So does this always happen."

Seras sighed while speaking.

Seras:" Yeah, you might as well get used to it."

Seras took a drink of her iced tea. Gasper looked at the radiant crimson energy that was Seras's left arm and spoke.

Gasper:" Ms. Victoria, what happened to your arm."

Seras:" Oh, I lost it in the whole Nazi incident five years ago."

Gasper:" I see."

Gasper took a drink of his hot chocolate as he looked at his teacher, yelling at Integra as he sighed.

* Two-hour time skip*

Gasper stood out in the training yard, waiting for Yuriko as he wondered what they were training for today. Yuriko approached Gasper, a briefcase in her left hand as she spoke.

Yuriko:" Hey Gaspy, how are you feeling?"

Gasper:" Fine, why do you ask?"

Gasper looked at the briefcase in his master's hands as he spoke with wonder.

Gasper:" So what's in the case."

Yuriko smiled and opened up the case showing Gasper his new weapon.

Yuriko:" This beautiful piece of machinery is the anti-freak Venator

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Yuriko:" This beautiful piece of machinery is the anti-freak Venator. It holds up to eight explosive titanium rounds, which have all been blessed and can be used on any manner of supernatural foe. Now then, let us begin training."

Yuriko ordered her apprentice to begin firing at the targets, and Gasper did as he was told, but every time he fired, his hand was blown back because he was not holding the gun properly. Yuriko sighed as she spoke.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now