Return to the mortal realm

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Y/n P.O.V~

I sat with my father at a campfire.

Alexander:" Sae, son, how have you been these past few years."

I looked down and gulped, wondering how I should tell my father, one of the most overly religious people I have ever known, that I stopped studying to become a priest and that I was now dating his arch enemy's daughter. How was I supposed to tell him that Yumie had come back from the dead? How was I supposed to say to him that I left the Iscariot organization? As I looked at my shaking hands, my father spoke with a raised eyebrow.

Alexander:" Son, are you okay?"

I sighed and nodded before changing the subject of the conversation.

Y/n:" So, father, do you know a way to get out of here?"

My father nodded before speaking.

Alexander:" Ah do. I know a person that can open a portal out of here, and they owe me a favor."

Y/n:" I see."

I looked at the crimson sky of hell while thinking about Yuriko and how odd it would be when she would inevitably meet my father. Storm clouds formed above us as my father spoke.

Alexander:" Come on, son, let's get some sleep; we will have to get up early in the morning."

I nodded as I took off my jacket before wrapping myself in it, using it as a make-shift blanket of shorts before falling asleep. I slept for a good couple of hours before my father waked me up as he spoke.

Alexander:" Come on, Y/n. We have to go."

I sighed before I got ready for the city of hell as I walked beside my father entering the town. As demons looked at the two of us, one called out.

???:" The slayer is here with a nephilim! Kill them both!"

I looked around summoned a pair of bayonets on in each hand as my father readied his shotgun. I charged forward into the hoard of demons and began to cut all of them down with my bayonets. With every slash, a monster was cut into tinny little pieces. More and more demons attacked me as I kept on chopping and ripping them to shreds. I panted as blood dripped from my swords, and I looked at my father, seeing all of the corpses of the demons around him.

Y/n:" Man, the demons hate you, father."

My father nodded before speaking.

Alexader:" That, they do, son."

I followed my father through the city as we arrived at a pawn shop.

Alexander:" Wait here, son."

I waited outside the pawnshop as I heard arguing from my father and another voice in the shop. The arguing stopped after a couple of minutes before clouds formed in the sky. The clouds swirled into a storm before a portal opened in the sky. My father exited the shop and spoke while pointing at our doorway out of hell.

Alexander:" Y/n, you will have to fly the two of us up into the portal."

Y/n:" Understood."

I unsheathed my wings and grabbed onto my father as I did my best to hold his wait while also ascending upwards. I did my best to do the task I had been given while my father spoke.

Alexander:" You okay Y/n, you've been quiet."

I sighed and spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah, I've just got stuff on my mind."

Alexander:" Well, I'm here if ye ever need to talk, son."

Y/n:" Well, there's stuff I want to tell you, but I don't know how you will react."

Alexander:" Y/n no matter what it is. I'm going to love you; ye know that, right?"

I sighed as I readied to tell my father everything.

Y/n:" Well, one, I quit the seminarian to be with my girlfriend, and we run a little shop where we do odd jobs for hire."

Alexander:" I see."

Y/n:" But she is a vampire, Alucard's daughter specifically."

My father looked down and inhaled before speaking.

Alexander:" Y/n, you can date whoever you want. I'll love you either way."

I smiled at my father's words while flying.

Alexander:" Is she Catholic?"

Y/n:" She's not religious."

My father clicked his tongue before speaking.

Alexander:" At least she's not protestant."

I flew into the portal, the bright blue light emitting from it filling my eyes as we exited hell.
























Third-person P.O.V~

Yuriko smiled as she looked at her boyfriend and his father talking. Y/n had a child-like grin spread across his face as his E/c eyes met with Yuriko's crimson red ones. Y/n grabbed his father's hand and pulled him over to where Yuriko was sitting and spoke.

Y/n:" Father, this is Yuriko. The light of my life."

Yuriko blushed at Y/n's pet name before Alexander extended his hand and smiled and spoke.

Alexander:" It's wonderful to meet you, Ms.Tepes."














Y/n P.O.V~

I sat on the couch of Yuriko and I's shop with Heinkel, Yumie, Xenovia, and Irina standing in front of me.

Y/n:" So what did you four want to talk to me about?"

Irina sat next to me and spoke.

Irina:" Well, we made a deal with Yuriko that we would get to share you~."

Y/n:" Wait wha-"

I was interrupted by Yumie kissing me before she broke the kiss, and Heinkel captured my lips in a kiss before Irina and Xenovia gave me kisses before sitting on the couch next to me. I smiled before resting my head back on the sofa and sighed in happiness.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now