Final battle

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Y/n P.O.V~

I got my gear ready as Yuriko loaded her guns as she sat down. I smiled and looked at my girlfriend before our eyes locked, and I spoke with a smile on my face.

Y/n:" Ready, love?"

Yuriko smiled at her lover and got out of her seat.

Yuriko:" Hell yeah. Let's go kill some werewolves!"

I smiled and hugged my girlfriend before the two of us left our shop to go to our final battle with the Lupus organization.

*Third-Person P.O.V~*

Y/n, along with Yuriko and most of the Iscariot organization, marched down the old dirt road. They were going to intercept Lupus before they could get to their destination as the army of holy shoulders pushed forward, the sound of a twig breaking. Y/n looked around and saw two groups of people, Rias's peerage and the Hellsing organization. Gasper saw Yuriko and smiled.

Gasper:" Master!"

Yuriko's crimson eyes had a glint of joy in them as she warmly greeted her former apprentice.

Yuriko:" Gaspy!"

The duo of vampires hugged and began to chat happily while Y/n looked at Rias and spoke.

Y/n:" What are you doing here?"

Rias:" We are going to go fight the Lupus organization. What about you?"

Y/n:" We are going to do the same."

Rias:" I see."

Rias extended her hand for a handshake before she spoke.

Rias:" How about we join forces then?"

Y/n sighed as he spoke, shaking Rias's hand.

Y/n:" Fine. But only because I don't want to have to fight you guys while killing werewolves."

The new alliance of devil's vampire and vampire hunters walked forward before they were met with what looked like an army of werewolves. Everyone was about to draw their weapons and begin, but a small werewolf who looked to be about Gasper's age exited the crowd and spoke in a strong voice.

Victor:" I am Victor leader of Lupus. Now listen here, I'm only going to say this once, all I want is the Gremory woman and The Hellsing heiress, and we can avoid this meaningless bloodshed."

The group of cross denied the offer making the werewolf sigh in disappointment.

Victor:" They always choose the hard way. Send in the secret weapon!"

Y/n was about to attack, but his blades were shattered, falling to the ground as gunshots echoed out. Y/n looked to see a vampire chuckling with a demon seal on his forehead, meaning he was mind-controlled.

Both Yuriko and Alexander spoke with shock in their voices

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Both Yuriko and Alexander spoke with shock in their voices.

Yuriko:" Father!"

Alexander:" Alucard!"

Y/n was about to attack the vampire, but he was shoved back by his girlfriend and father while they shouted out.

Yuriko/Alexander:" We've got it; fight the leader."

The armies charged at each other as the troops began to rip each other apart as Y/n charged through the army of werewolves. With every slash of his swords, blood spewed out of the shredded up remains that fell to the ground. Y/n was suddenly surrounded by werewolves before a beam of crimson energy whizzed past him as Issei screamed out.

Issei:" Dragon shot!"

Y/n looked to see Issei in his armor before Issei lunged and punched a werewolf in the face. A werewolf jumped at Issei, surprising him before Y/n hurled a bayonet into the werewolf's head, killing.

Issei:" Thanks!"

Y/n:" Don't mention it, just keep fighting ya perv!"

Y/n and Issei kept on pushing forward, doing their best as they made their way to where Victor stood with a spear in his hand while he spoke.

Victor:" Well done, you two, but now you have to fight me."

Y/n got ready to fight as Issei did the same before Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" Why the hell are you even doing this?"

Victor growled as he shouted out.

Victor:" I'm getting revenge on the Gremory clan for slaughtering my people, and I'm getting revenge for my brother, the Captain who those damn Hellsing mongrels killed!"

Y/n growled as he rushed at the werewolf, Issei at his side. Y/n slashed at the werewolf, but his attacks were all blocked, and Issei wasn't much of a help, usually missing his attacks and not being fast enough to doge Victors. Finally, after a half-hour of fighting, Y/n had an idea. Y/n hurled several bayonets at the crimson-clad male as they bounced off his armor and stabbed into Victor, catching him off guard as he fell to his knees Y/n walked up to the defeated werewolf and raised his blade up to lop off his head before Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" Do you have any last words, scum."

Victor grinned as he spoke.

Victor:" You ruin my plans; I ruin yours. Y/n Hyoudou."

Y/n's eyes twitched as he panicked.

Issei:" I'm sorry; what?"

Victor smiled like a mad man as he spoke.

Victor:" Y/n Anderson is not your real name; it's Y/n Hyoudou..."

Y/n's gripped his swords, his hands trembling in anger at what the vampire had just told Issei.

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