The mission part.2

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Third-person P.O.V~

Sunlight shined through the window as Irina woke up in bed. She looked down to see that she was covered in bandages. Irina groaned as she tried to sit up, but Y/n quickly pushed Irina back down onto the bed.

Y/n:" Hey, lay, and save your strength."

Irina looked up at Y/n as he spoke.

Y/n:" Irina, what happened to you?"

Irina grunted as she sat up and began to speak.

Irina:" I got into a fight with the priest from last night."

Irina referred to the psychotic man the group had encountered the previous night.

Y/n:" I see. What to your Excalibur?"

Irina looked down as she spoke.

Irina:" I lost it..."

Y/n sighed as he spoke before grabbing Irina's hand.

Y/n:" I'll get it back for you; don't worry."

Irina smiled at the H/c haired man as he spoke.

Y/n:" Now you are going to be out of commission for a little while, so stay here; Xenoiva will take care of you while I am out."

Irina nodded as Y/n left the room, his hands clenched into fists as he did so.

Y/n P.O.V~

I growled as I walked down the abandoned church hallway as my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket and answered the call.

Y/n:" Hello?"

Rias:" Y/n the fallen angels are at kuoh academy. We need your help."

Y/n:" Okay, I'll be there when I can."

I sighed in disappointment as I exited the abandoned church. I stood outside as I inhaled my wing appeared on my left shoulder, and with a mighty flap, I was flung off the ground and into the air.

Third-person P.O.V~

Giant dogs with three heads surrounded rias and her peerage. Everyone was covered in their blood and had many wounds and burses. Rias groaned in pain as she held her left arm and was about to attack one of the dogs. Suddenly the dog fell dead in front of the group of devil's bayonets covered in blood were impaled into the canine. The group looked to see Y/n standing on a rooftop, his coat flapping in the wind. Bayonets appearing in each of Y/n's hands as he grinned and tossed all of his bayonets into the dogs, killing them. Y/n lept from the building top and onto the ground as he spoke and reached into his pockets before giving the devil's a MedPAC.

Y/n:" Use that, and you should be fine."

A pillar of yellow light then appeared.

Y/n:" Hey, could you do me a favor for me and take care of that."

Y/n pointed at the pillar of light.

Rias:" Sure bu-."

Y/n:" K, thanks."

Y/n walked away from the group of devil's and looked up to see a fallen angel with twelve wings looking at him.

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Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now