Birthday (Lemon)

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 Third-person P.O.V~

It had been six months since Y/n and Yuriko had left their organizations to start their own. They were stationed in America and opened a shop where they would do odd jobs for money, and the demon-hunting couple also lived on the second floor of the building. Most of these jobs involved killing demons or other supernatural threats. Still, the occasional job involved Yuriko fixing a car, Y/n roofing someone's house, or something similar to that. Yuriko sat in the kitchen looked at a recipe for a cake. It was Y/n's birthday, and while he was out on a job, Yuriko thought it would be nice to bake a cake for him. Yuriko groaned as she gripped her long dark hair, she was a pretty good cook, but baking was not her strong suit. Yuriko eventually got the cake mixture ready and put it into a baking pan before popping it into the oven. Yuriko then sat back down and pulled out her phone, and looked at the tracker for the package she had ordered. She had ordered some video games online for Y/n's birthday, and they still had not arrived yet. Yuriko sat in her chair, hoping for her present to her boyfriend would be here soon. After a few minutes, a knock was heard at the door. Yuriko hopped out her seat and ran towards the door, opening it, and saw a mailman with a package in his hands.

Mail man:" Delivrry for Yuriko Tepes."

Yuriko:" That's me."

The mailman gave Yuriko the box and made her sign a form before he left, and Yuriko entered her and her boyfriend's home and put the box down before she sniffed the air and spoke.

Yuriko:" Something's burning."

Yuriko's eyes widened as she screamed out and ran into the kitchen.

Yuriko:" My cake!"

Yuriko opened up the oven and picked up the cake by the hot cake pan. She then dropped it to the floor due to it being so hot.

Yuriko:" Ah fuck, that's hot!"

Yuriko grabbed the cake, put it on the kitchen countertop, gulped, and looked at the burnt-up cake as she spoke.

Yuriko grabbed the cake, put it on the kitchen countertop, gulped, and looked at the burnt-up cake as she spoke

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Yuriko:" It's okay; it just needs some frosting."

Yuriko's phone vibrated in her pocket before she picked up the call and spoke.

Yuriko:" Hello?"

Y/n:" Hey Yuriko, it's me. I was calling to let you know that I'm going to be home in about twenty minutes."

Yuriko began to work on the cake while talking to Y/n on the phone.

Yuriko:" Oh nice, so how was your job."

Y/n:" Good, the Exercism went well without a problem. So uh, what are you doing."

Yuriko began to sweat as she wanted to surprise Y/n for his birthday. Yuriko quickly thought up a lie and began to speak.

Highschool dxd x abused male reader x HellsingWhere stories live. Discover now