chapter twenty

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"I'm sorry, I can leave if you want to sleep or something," I stuttered to Owen.

"Oh no don't" he said quickly. "I was just about to watch a movie, would you like to watch it with me?" he asked being weirdly shy.

"I would love to," I smiled.

Owen tapped the bed and I climbed next to him. The bed was warm and I relaxed automatically.

"So what are we gonna watch?" I asked curious.

"I was thinking about some Disney movie, like Cars," he said for my surprise.

"I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!" I was getting too excited but I couldn't help it. The Cars was like my favorite movie in the world.

"Cars it is then," Owen laughed and pressed play on his laptop's screen.

My head was resting on the Owen's chest and I could feel it going up and down. I could also hear his heartbeat and it calmed me down somehow. His hand was around my body and I was cuddled to his side.

I was feeling so warm and safe in Owen's embrace. Everything was perfect and I wished I could stay like this forever. 

My mind wondered from the movie to Owen. Did I thought him more than a friend? I mean, I loved this feeling, being close to him and so on. But that didn't necessarily mean anything, right?

We had stayed like this for like an hour when Owen moved his hand and hit the bruise on my side. I jumped and let out a little wince. I realized immidiately my mistake and it was already too late. 

"What was that?" Owen looked at me seriously and paused the movie.

"Nothing," I lied to him.

"Nope that was nothing," he argued. "Lift your shirt up," he said nodding towards my shirt.

"I don't.." I started but Owen interrupted me.

"No, lift the hoodie," he said more strictly this time.

I had no choice but do what he said.

I slowly started to pull up the hoodie from the side of the bruise.

When Owen saw it he gasped and stood up. Then he stormed out of the room. I ran after him and when I got to the kitchen I was kinda shocked.

Owen was holding Charlie against the wall. Charlie looked confused and helpless but neither of them didn't notice me coming in.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Owen yelled to Charlie.

I had never seen Owen this mad. It made me little scared to be honest.

"Who?" Charlie asked looking honestly clueless.

"Who do you think?! I saw the bruise," Owen said loudly. He was still pressing Charlie against the wall and didn't seem to be letting go any time soon.

"I don't know what you're talking about!!" now Charlie was raising his voice.

I had never seen Owen and Charlie fight. Not even argue over anything and it made the situation ten times worse.

"Oh so you think I should just believe that you disappear with her and then she comes back with bruises on her body and you had nothing to do with it?!" Owen laughed sarcastically.

Wait, was he talking about me? Did he think Charlie had done this to me?

I started to feel little dizzy. I mean could it even be possible that the bruises on my body was made by Charlie. There was no way.

"Who?! Who are you talking about?" Charlie yelled. "Are you saying that I hurt somebody?" he said and pushed Owen back. You could tell he was getting mad.

"He's talking about me," I said with all of my courage and both of the guys turned their heads to me looking surprised but their faces went quikcly back to mad, confused and worried.

"WHAT?!" it was now Charlie yelling to Owen. "You're blaming me for hurting her?" he was really pissed off.

"Yes I am, who else could have it been?" Owen rolled his eyes.

"Guys I'm fine, you don't have to fight," I said just to make the yelling stop.

Owen turned to face me and let go of Charlie. He began to walk towards me and before I even noticed he had lifted my hoodie from the side of the bruise.

"You're saying this is fine? I can see you are hurting whenever anything goes to even near to this," he was looking straight in my eyes and was still mad.

I took couple steps back. Owen really scared me at the moment.

Then I looked behind him, to Charlie. He was standing still with his mouth open and I could tell he was shocked.

Then everything happened fast. Charlie took couple big steps and was already behind Owen who turned around. Then Charlie pushed him really hard. He was furious.

"How can you blame me for that!?" he yelled and pushed Owen again.

This time Owen was prepared and didn't lose his balance like the last time. Instead he pushed Charlie back which led to Charlie to lose his balance and fell down to the floor.

Now I was getting mad. I hated when people couldn't talk things through but instead used violence.

"Enough," I stepped between two guys. I glared both of them.

The guys froze and both of their expressions changed from mad to more worried.

"Could you just please stop?" I asked my voice trembling. I could feel the tears burning behind my eyes but I couldn't let the guys see me cry again, not now. 

"Ho-how do you even know that somebody has done this to me? I could have just fall or hit myself to something.." I stuttered over my panic.

"I- I don't know, I just thought that maybe when he kissed you he had done that too" It was now Owen's turn to stutter.

"What?" I asked.

It was all silent for a moment and I just stared the guys.

"You said you didn't know who," I said quietly. I was so confused and didn't want to believe it was true.

"I know, but I thought it wasn't my place to tell you.." Owen explained looking to the ground.

I turned my face to the Charlie who was staring at me with apologizing look on his face.

"Is it true?" I asked even tho I was scared of the answer.


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