chapter two

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"I'm Owen," the guy in front of me introduced himself. That's when I realized who he was.

"Owen Joyner?!" I said out loud " I thought you looked familiar from somewhere!" He laughed to my sudden fan girl moment.

"Yeah that's me" he smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go all fan girl on you" I said little embarrassed. "I really love the show tho" I added.

"Well thank you, and it's totally okay, I've seen worse" he said with wide smile. "Shall we go?" he then asked.

I was kinda freaking out. I was about to travel with THE Owen Joyner. I took all my powers not to scream like crazy person at the moment. I can't wait to get to tell my friends. But now I needed to keep my cool.

I couldn't believe I hadn't recognized him. I loved the show and had spent like a year watching it over and over again. I felt stupid but I blamed it on my jetlag. 

"Oh shit" I realized that I still hadn't pick up my luggage.

"What? Everything okay?" Owen looked at me with confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I need to go get my luggage" I told him. "Let's go then" he replied with a smile.

After picking up my stuff we headed to the parking lot looking for the car. "Found it!!" I heard Owen saying. We put our stuff on the trunk of  OUR car.

Omg I have a car with Owen!!!! I jumped inside. This is all too surreal I kept thinking.

Owen got on the driver's side and I sat next to him. He started the car and I could feel the excitement rising. This was going to be so much fun. "Here we come Vancouver" Owen announced looking at me with huge grin. I couldn't help but smile back to that cute creature sitting next to me.

I woke up couple hours later when the car stopped. "Look who's awake" I heard a voice say. I immediately sat up and hit my head on the roof of the car. My heart was racing until I remembered where I was and relaxed. Owen laughed at my actions and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah yeah, had a minor heart attack there but nothing serious" I answered still sleepy. Owen just kept laughing.

"OK. I needed to fill up the tank but now we're good to go again," he explained "But I was wondering if we should get something to eat?" he added. Just in time my stomach kept a weird noise and we both burst out laughing.

"I think that's a great idea" I answered. I hadn't eaten since the flight and now that I thought about it, I was starving.

"Soo what you think about pizza?" Owen asked me even though, I was pretty sure he had already decided, because he parked the car in front of cute pizza place.

"That's perfect!!" I grinned.

We walked inside of this super cute pizzeria. The walls were made of brick and I saw a old jukebox next to the counter. It was quietly playing old 50s rock'n'roll. I just loved it. The place and its atmosphere were unbelievable.

"I just love this place," I sighed.

"Tell me about it," Owen responded straight away.

We just stood there like two complete idiots till the waitress came and asked if we had came to eat. She walked us to the table next to jukebox and a little stage. I kept admiring the framed old photos of the place. Finally I looked back to Owen who seemed to be drawn by the drum set on the stage.

"You should play us something," I quickly suggested.

"What?" Owen woke from his daydream "No way, I don't think so." He shake his head as a sign of a refusal.

"Why not?" I asked, still hoping he would go up and sing.

"I don't think the rest of the people here would like it," he said.

"Oh no, we don't mind," the waitress said to us. I grinned.

"You see, now you don't have any excuses". Owen glared at me, but I could tell he was trying his best not to smile.

The waitress came back with smirk in her face and took something behind her back. It was a microphone. "For you," she said to Owen. Owen looked at me with a evil smile and whispered something to the waitress. She left the table but came back almost right away with another microphone which she handed to me. "Yeah, I'm not going there alone," Owen said facing me.

"I can't sing!!" I said to him. My heart started racing and I could feel my hands sweating. He could not do this to me. I can't sing and by no means I'm not gonna do it in front of people, in front of him!!!

"Oh I don't care, you coming" he snapped back at me with huge grin and a wink. Even thought I was freaking out, how could I say no to that....

We took the mics and got up to the stage. I saw Owen sitting behind the drums and started panicking. I looked for something, anything with my gaze. I couldn't just stand here doing nothing. Piano, there was a piano in a corner of the stage. What a relief. I walked to Owen and asked him what were we gonna play.

"I was thinking the song "Home", you know it?" he asked me. And I could tell that he was so happy we were doing this.

"Yeah, I'm familiar with it" I smiled back at him. Finally my solo carpool karaokes are paying of. I quickly googled the chords for the song and sat behind the piano. I played the first chord of the song and Owen looked at me in a surprise.

"You play piano?" he mouthed me as he joined me with the drums.

"Little," I told him. Then we sang, and boy it was fun. I kept looking at Owen who was enjoying every minute. He was in his element for sure.

The song ended and the few people in pizzeria cheered and clapped to us. I just smiled, so much it started to hurt in a while. But I just couldn't make myself stop.

"Excuse me, you told me you can't sing!?" Owen looked at me with a fake angry face. "If you can't sing then what the heck was that!? You're amazing!!!" he dropped his act and looked me in awe.

I felt my face turning red. I sucked at hearing compliments.

"Well I, I can't" I stuttered.

"Drop it, you were killing it!! I'm gonna have to tell Charlie about this" he suddenly said.

We sat back in our table and started eating our pizzas. When I started thinking what he just said.

Wait did he say that he needs to tell Charlie about this, about me. The Charlie who I had a major crush after watching the Julie and the Phantoms for the first time. Who am I kidding, I still have huge crush on him. He has always been one of those people who I can be crushing with no worries, it's not like I'm gonna meet him ever. But now, now the guy in front of me says that he HAS TO tell Charlie about me. THIS IS CRAZY.

I tried to pull myself together so I could casually ask him what was he talking about.

"Um so why do you have to tell Charlie about this?" I asked as innocently as possible.

"Well umm cause you're super talented. And well you're my newest friend so I need to tell my other super talented friend that he isn't the only one." he smirked.

"That doesn't make any sense" I mumbled and decided to drop it for now.

I still couldn't help but wonder if I was gonna meet my celebrity crush.


Authors note

This whole writing thing kinda freaks me out, I'm really scared to publish anything I do, so this is for sure out of my comfort zone.

I still gonna keep trying you know.


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