chapter twenty-nine

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I woke up next morning alone in my bed in Markus' place. We had decided that I should go back there because I had already been gone for a while and I had after all came here to see Markus.

Yesterday felt like a dream but when I fully woke up I could tell it wasn't. I had finally confessed my feelings to Owen and the best part was that he felt the same. Now the only problem was that this was my second last day here and I already knew I wouldn't see Owen or the rest of the guys today due to their busy shooting day. That left me and Owen one day before I had to go home.

While I was still laying on my bed I couldn't help but think about what was going to happen to me and Owen. Was this it? Or was there some way we could make this work? I wish there was but more I thought about it the more sure I was that there wasn't.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen and met tired Markus who was already dressed and sipping his coffee. We had made plans for today and it worked for me just great. It would keep my mind away from my upcoming heartbreak.

"Morning", I said to him and made him look up to me. He smirked knowing what had happened yesterday and I smiled back to him. Little did he know that I was going to end the thing before it really started. Even the thought made me feel sick.

"Hey, so when are we leaving?"

"As soon as you're ready, everyone else is ready to go", he told me and I sped up my morning routine.

Soon enough we were sitting in the car on our way to meet rest of my Canadian friends. We were going to go play laser tag and to eat afterwards. I hadn't really had time to meet everybody while here so I was happy to be able to see and spend time with them now.

The car slowed down as we drove to the parking lot and was greeted by many smiling faces. I could see Max and Emma waving happily to us as Markus parked the car. I jumped out of the car and ran straight to Max's tight embrace. He had been like a big brother to me always and I had missed him so much.

Next I was greeted by Hunter and Julia. While visiting Finland Hunter had stayed at my place and we had become quite good friends, not as good as Markus and myself but you know, he was like family to me.

After saying hello to everyone we headed inside and the game began. I loved this game. I loved shooting at my friends and making alliances with my team mates. I hadn't laughed this much for ages.

"So I heard you found a guy", Max shouted me while covering me when I ran to the next cover.

"Who told you that?" It was my turn to fire cover for him.

"Markus", he said when he got next to me and we sat down behind the wall. We had a little time before we needed to move again.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes but smiled anyways.

"So it's true?"

"Yeah it's true, I don't know if I told you that my flight got canceled when I got to Montreal but this guy offered me a ride here because he got the last rental car before me and felt bad and you can guess the rest", I explained to him shooting Markus who was listening to our conversation "hidden".

"Nice shot! But yeah I got a little briefing from Markus before", he told me. "So when I'm gonna meet this mystery guy?" he grinned.

"Probably never. I don't think it's gonna work out".

"We got to move", Max pointed out before getting back to the conversation. "But why, did he do something? Cause I'm gonna kill him if he hurt you", he looked me dead in the eye.

"Omg calm down, he didn't do anything", I laughed. "It's just that I'm leaving after tomorrow and I don't really think it could work and believe me I know, I tried", I said nodding my head towards Markus and earned a sigh from Max.

"Yeah but it was different."

"How? How was it any different from this?" I asked. Yeah sorry for not telling you but Markus had been my first real love. I had fell for him as soon as I had gotten to know him better. We had promised to try to make it trough but it didn't really work out and Markus had found his girlfriend the next summer, left me kinda heartbroken even though we both knew it wasn't going to work out.

"Well I heard you're moving here so that makes it a lot easier. And secondly you two were kids when that happened, there was no way it would've worked out."

"Yeah I guess you're right, but even if I move to Canada it's still long way from the States and being together. I mean I need space but not that much." I kept listing the reasons why we were doomed.

"Sounds like you don't even want to try", Max pointed out and got my quiet. I think he was right. I was scared of getting hurt. I was scared of hurting him and not trying was the easiest way not to hurt anybody.

I was pulled of my thought when somebody shot me and my west turned red to show I was out. Same thing happened to Max and we walked out of the arena.

"I think you should try. I know you're scared but sometime you need to take the risk. I mean this could be really worth it." Max said to me before walking off leaving me and my thoughts alone to women's room.

Max was a player or at least used to be but he was pretty smart and understanding when he wanted to be. He reminded me of Charlie somehow. He was funny and all games but when he had to he could be serious and supportive. But I still wasn't entirely sure what to do but maybe it would come to me sooner or later.

Rest of the day went by laughing and talking. It was nice to catch up with everyone and just be. I gave up thinking Owen and focused on people around me as soon as we had left to eat and it had been a smart choice.

We were now in car driving back to Markus' with him and Max who was gonna stay with us for the night before heading back to collage.

My phone rang right when Markus stopped the car. "I'll be there in a sec", I told the guys and picked up the phone.



"Hi" I smiled when I heard the familiar sound on the other end of the line.

"How's your day been?" Owen asked. He sounded tired and I didn't blame him. By the text I had got from Madison through out the day I could reason that they had had a ruff day.

"Good actually, met some of my old friends and ate a hamburger" I told him. "How about yours?"

"Busy but good. I think we got everything we were supposed to film today filmed so that's great", Owen gabbled to the phone I could tell he had something to tell me but he didn't know how.

"Owen what is it?" I asked sounding a little more worried than I was supposed to.

"I just, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the fact that you're leaving in a day. And I got to be honest I haven't been able to find a way for us to be together and it breaks me", Owen confessed and my heart broke a little.

Now that I had finally got myself to the place where I was willing to give us a chance, Owen shot everything I had built in my mind down. I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks and tried to found something to say but it felt impossible.

"Aino?" Owen asked and I could hear a hurt in his voice. I just couldn't help but think that he had just came to different thoughts of me and that's why he wasn't even ready to try.

"I've been thinking a lot too" I began and sighed. I needed to be careful what I was going to say next. "But I agree."


Hey, Ive been having the hardest time trying to write these last parts of the story and im still not sure how to end it the good way.

It has taken me a long time and im sorry but im gonna try to make kt to the end in these next couple of weeks!!

Thank you for reading and commenting and please vote!!! Lots of love <33

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