chapter seventeen

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The music was streaming loud as we walked to the bar counter to get drinks. There was so many people and the club was kinda big.

There was like three different rooms in the first floor and then one big hall in the second. Bathrooms were downstairs and I was already kinda terrified how I would get there all drunk, heh.

"So shots for everyone!!" I heard Savannah screaming.

Oh boy.

I drank like three shots and headed to the restroom. My head was spinning and I started to doubt how smart those shots were.

Right when I was about to get out of the room someone grabbed my hand. It was Charlie.

"Hey where you think you're going?" he gave me one of his amazing smiles.

"To pee" I whined and took a step back but lost my balance. I guess those shots were hitting worse than I thought. Gladly Charlie caught me before I fell all the way down.

"Drunk are we, eh?" he laughed "come on I'll walk you," he offered his arm to me.

"Thank youuu, you're the best" I giggled being too drunk to even be embarrassed.

Once I had managed to visit the bathroom, Charlie was still waiting me outside. We headed up to the big room full of people dancing.

"And now we dance!!" Charlie said happily and dragged me to the dance floor.

I didn't mind tho, I loved dancing and well how could I complain when I was dancing with one of the most gorgeous man I'd ever met. I smiled to myself and let the music lead me.

"This is amazing!!" I yelled over the music.

"You're amazing" Charlie yelled back with a huge grin. I couldn't help but smile.

"OMG!!!" I heard a girl screaming and when I turned around I saw Savannah and Owen dancing towards us. Both of them looked so good and little drunk to be honest. Charlie was by far the most sober one of us but I didn't care I was having so much fun.

We just danced.

"Hey, you having fun?" Owen yelled at my ear. I turned around and met those shiny eyes.

I grinned. "Yes, so much!! And I'm so drunk!!" I informed Owen who laughed and took my hand and span me around.

We kept dancing together like fools until I saw Charlie walking away from the corner of my eye. Where was he going? I told Owen I would be back and left after Charlie.

He was heading back to the bar counter. I ran after him.

"Hey why you left?" I asked confused and stood next to him.

"Why you think?" he snapped back. I could tell he was upset.. again.

"I don't know, you tell me," I shrunk my brows.

"Yeah well I don't really feel like talking to you," he told me and walked away with his drink.

I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks and next thing I did was not too smart. I ordered three more shots and one other drink. I downed the shots all at once and took the last drink and left back upstairs.

"Aino?!" I heard someone calling me.

"Jeremy?" I yelled back to the guy in front of me.

"Is everything ok?" he asked looking concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I was just going back to the others," I half lied to him. I was going back after all.

"Okay, I'll come with you," he told me and we headed back up.

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