chapter four

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I woke up around nine and took out my phone. Last night had gone pretty late watching movies and talking with Owen. It had been close to 2 am when Owen had decided to leave to sleep on his own room.

I had stayed up almost an hour after that, thinking all the things that had happened to me earlier that day. I thought about meeting Owen, singing in the pizzeria and I thought about all the conversations we had had and finally I felt a sleep.

I took out my phone and decided to call Tara. It's was spring break so she should be able to talk. Within no time I heard familiar voice from the other end of the phone.

"I thought you'd never call," I heard Tara's voice say. I smiled and realized how much I missed her. We had been friends since 8th grade and she was my best friend in the whole world. We did almost everything together. Last year had been pretty hard on us because we had moved to different cities but it hadn't really stopped us from seeing each other almost every week and facetiming all the time. I couldn't help but think how everything would go when I would move here...

"Sorry it's been... well interesting" I laughed to phone. It sure had been one hell of a ride since I got of that plane the day before. "But everything is okay," I told her, "Better than okay actually. I'm having so much fun, I just wished you were here!!" I sighed.

"I saw the video on Owen Joyner's story..." she started "Mind to tell me what is going on!?"

Only then I realized that I hadn't told Tara anything about Owen and the fact that I was travelling with him. So I told her the whole story.

"Wait what?" she said in disbelief "Girl, you living the dream" she kept going. Tara had been watching the Julie and the Phantoms with me and was almost as big fan of the cast as I was.

"So how is he? As cute as on screen?" Tara shoot. Oh boy I missed this girl.

"Yeah I guess" I laughed. But I had to admit, Owen was even cuter in person. I told her everything I had learn about Owen and answered ton of questions.

We kept talking for an hour and I got to hear everything going on in Finland, which wasn't much. But it was still nice to hear what everyone had been up to lately. When I hang up I was wearing a huge smile on my face and made a mental note to call her again soon.

I got up and put on some clothes. I ended up wearing my mom jeans and hoodie. I put my hair on a messy bun and headed to Owen's room to see if he was already awake.

I knocked on the door and heard Owen yelling that the door was open. I opened the door.

"Do you think.." I stopped talking "it is wise to keep the door open in here?" I finished the sentence whispering. He was on the phone with someone. Well facetime. I couldn't tell who it was but Owen waved me to come in. So I walked in the room.

There were clothes all around the place and still Owen didn't have shirt on. I tried my best not to stare at him. I continued watching the room. It was pretty much same to mine: a bed, desk and bathroom.

I snapped out of my mental room tour when I heard Owen saying my name to the phone.

"Yeah, Aino." he stated. "She is actually in here right now" he kept going while I was giving him a confused look.

"Say hi to Charlie," Owen said looking at me and turn the phone to my direction.

My eyes went wide. Was I about to talk to Charlie Gillespie. I was freaking out but I still somehow managed to keep my cool.

"Hey Charlie" I said with huge grin. "How you doin?" I accidentally let out a famous Joey Tribbiani line.

I heard Charlie laughing on the other end of the phone. "Hey A, I'm doing great thanks for asking" I could see him smiling through the phone. Then Owen turned the phone back to his face and smirked at me. I think he could tell I was about to faint any second now.

I just talked to Charlie. And he called me A!!! How cute is that!!! I felt like doing a little happy dance but I had to save it for later when Owen wouldn't be looking at me like I had lost my mind. I looked up back to Owen when I heard him ending the call.

"Morning "A"," he imitated Charlie. "Did you sleep OK?" he asked and let out a yawn.

"Morning Owen" I rolled my eyes to, still shirtless btw, Owen. "I did, thank you" I told him and sat next to him on the bed.

"Someone seems to have a little crush on my boy Charlie" Owen smirked at me. I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"No I don't" I tried to convince the smirking Owen next to me.

"Oh, we'll se about that" he said and laid on his back. I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't help but think what did he mean by that.

"Shouldn't we go get some breakfast and then hit the road again?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah I think you're right" Owen mumbled under the covers.

Half an hour later we met on the parking lot ready to continue our trip. I was feeling good. I had a feeling this would be a great day.

It was my turn to drive so I climbed to driver's seat and started the car. Today's plan was to drive the whole day so we would be in Vancouver tomorrow. I waved back to the motel as we left the parking lot and headed to the road again.

"It's so beautiful out here," I said amazed.

"I know right," Owen agreed. "By the way, did you know that we have an USB slot in this car?" he added smiling.

"No, I didn't" I told him watching him connect his phone to the car. "Does this mean I get to hear what the famous Owen Joyner listens when he is driving?" I smirked.

"You bet!!" he answered. "Oh and by the way we need to pick up Charlie from Winnipeg" Owen mentioned. My mouth dropped.

"What!?" I asked as if I had heard wrong what he just said.

"You know Charlie Gillespie, from Julie and the Phantoms? We are going to pick him up from Winnipeg," Owen stated sarcastically

I could tell he had enjoyed every second of me freaking out over Charlie this morning and I was sure he would be even happier when I would try to keep my cool with Charlie in the same car with me.

I suddenly realized that maybe Charlie wouldn't want anything to do with me, or maybe he would hate me, or be mad at me for ruining his road trip with Owen.

"Are you sure it's okay to Charlie that I'm here?" I asked out of nowhere and gave a worried look to Owen.

"What!?" Owen laughed looking at me "oh you are serious" he kept looking at me when I nodded my head.

"I'm dead serious" I replied.

"Oh don't be his gonna love you and he can't wait to meet you,"  he assured "We talked about you this morning before you came to my room, and he was super excited for meeting you".

I wasn't sure if Owen was making this up to make me feel better or if they had really had a conversation about me.

"Okay..." I sighed quietly. Still feeling kinda unsure if me being here was okay for everyone. Gladly the Winnipeg was still hours away.

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