chapter eighteen

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The next morning I woke up feeling very very very awful.

I opened my eyes and it took me a while to look around and realize that I wasn't at Markus'.

I turned around just to see a guy sleeping next to me. I mean the last thing I remembered from the last night was me kissing someone. I don't know who it was but I guess I was about to find out.

The guy next to me turned around in his sleep and my heart stopped.


What had I done?! I covered my face with my hands.

I really hoped I hadn't done anything.

I looked around the room which I recognized to be Charlie's but one thing caught my eye. It was my dress laying on the chair.

I quickly looked under the covers and let out a sigh when I saw a hoodie and shorts. Thank god.

Suddenly I heard a groan from the floor.

I looked down and saw Owen sleeping on the floor. What in the world was going on?

Owen was shirtless and I could almost see him shivering from the cold. Poor guy.

I didn't really know what to do next. I mean, should I just bail or should I continue my sleeping or woke the guys up.

I hadn't time to decide cause Owen opened his eyes and look straight up to me.

"heyy, how are you feeling?" he asked me lifting his head.

"umm confused and hangover mostly" I whispered trying not to wake Charlie up. "What tf are you doing on the floor? And why am I here?" I wanted to get answers.

"Come on let's go to kitchen to talk" Owen said and got up "I don't wanna wake up Charlie"

"Yeah OK" I said and started to get up but in the halfway I felt really sick. I ran to the bathroom and throw up big time.

"Oh god, still?" Owen walked in taking my hair in his hands.

What did he mean by still? I began to feel really scared about the whole thing and my memory loss.

I was too busy throwing my insides out to say anything.

When I finally felt okay I got up and walked to the kitchen with Owen who went to get me some water.

"I'm guessing you're not hungry?" he grinned to my misery.

I hit him to the arm: "Shut up."

"So what happened last night?" I asked as innocently as possible. I didn't really want the guys to know that whole night was one big blurry picture in my head.

"You don't remember, do you?" Owen smirked again.

I sighed and shook my head as a no.

"So what do you remember?" he asked still smiling.

"Umm well the last real thing I remember was dancing after I had my conversation with the girls..." I told him embarrassed.

"OK. So you are missing memories worth of  about four hours," he said.

"FOUR HOURS?" I screamed, "What have we done up for four more hours?!"

Owen just laughed: "Oh you're gonna love this"

I knew in that second that I didn't want to know. The grin on Owen's face told me enough.

"And if I don't wanna know?" I asked hopefully. Maybe he wouldn't tell me.

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