9| Lies of Omission

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It's been five days. Five days since they found the two sophomores. Two days since they've seen any chimeras or dread doctors. Some might say it was a great feeling, not having to worry about that weight on your chest. But for the pack, there was tension in the air. They all know it wasn't over, something was coming.

Angelina stood at her locker, her hair pulled into a messy bun. She didn't care how she looked, everything in her life was a mess. Why worry about the smallest things? Her outfit was just black ripped jeans and a light gray sweatshirt. She looked around scanning the hallway, members of the pack just walked by each other. Like they don't realize they're there.

Lydia and Stiles had left to find the nemeton. Which last time they did that, three of them had to drown in ice water. They were determined though, they wanted to figure this out. The two did great together, they worked perfectly around each other.

Liam snuck through the crowd and snaked his arms around Angelina's waist, resulting in him getting an elbow to the gut. He groaned and leaned into her back, she might've used some of her werewolf strength.

"Oh my god, Liam. I'm sorry." She giggled but covered it with a cough.

Her boyfriend let out another groan and gave her thumbs up. "Did you have to use your werewolf strength?"

"You never know who might sneak up on you." Angelina shrugged and grabbed his hand. She pulled him over to the staircase and sighed. "Everyone is ignoring each other, I don't like it."

"They just need space to figure things out, everything will go back to the way it was."

"I don't know, I just feel like I should be doing more." She bit her lip. "I mean, even Mason is doing more and he just learned about all of this stuff. I'm literally no help."

Liam stood up straighter and took her hands in his, he rubbed his thumb over his knuckles repeatedly. "Listen, Angel, you help out so much. No matter what you do, you could never fail any of us. Don't make it seem like you aren't helping, because you are, so much."

Tears welled up in her eyes and she leaned into his chest, she refused to have the attention on her especially since they were in school. Liam rubbed up and down her back with one hand and cradled her head with the other. He kissed the crown of her head and wiped her tears away.

"I'm so tired of fighting, when are we ever going to have a break." She sighed, wiping the remaining tears away with her sleeve.

"I don't know." Liam responded with the same energy, he kissed her head one last time and allowed her to freshen up a bit before heading down the hallway.

Angelina's phone dinged, not even having time to look at it she felt Liam let go of her hand and stand in front of her.

"I got to do something, I love you." He said quickly and rushed away. Angelina stood there dumbfounded but pulled out her phone.

Mason: Meet me in weight room, might need your help just in case :)

She shook her head and walked the opposite way down the hall and made way towards the weight room. When she walked in right away Mason was walking by her and nodding his head to Corey who was on the bench.

"Testing your strength?" Angie questioned, leaning against the metal.

Corey pushed the bar all the way up and stood up, feeling his arms. "Does this mean I'm their success?"

"I don't know, but Scott might." Mason replied, ducking under the bar and walking over to the other two.

"We know the last time you saw him, wasn't his best day. He's trying to help, more than most people would." Angelina added.

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