11| The Last Chimera

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As if the night couldn't have gotten any worse, on Angelina's way out of the hospital she ran into her older brother. He quickly informed her that their dad was being rushed into surgery. "Is he going to be all right?" She had asked, the tears slowly coming back.

"I don't know." Stiles responded honestly. He knew there was no point in lying to her, she'd be able to tell by his heartbeat that was going one-hundred miles per second.

So for the rest of the night, the Stilinski siblings sat in the hospital waiting room. Tears were streaming down both of their faces as they gripped each others hands. They couldn't lose their father, especially right now.

After a while, Stiles had worn himself out from crying and fell asleep. Angelina was about to do the same but she noticed Melissa walking over to them. "Stiles." She mumbled, nudging his leg. "Stiles, get up." She repeated and he took a deep breath, opening his eyes just as Melissa made it over to them.

"He's okay." Melissa informed them, relief flooded Angelina's body. "Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now."

"Okay, I wanna see him." Stiles said standing up.

Melissa lightly pushed him back down, "Okay. Okay. The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours."

"Okay, yeah ,but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?"

"He's gonna be just fine."

"Oh, thank God." Stiles breathed out, leaning back in his chair.

Turns out everything wasn't okay. And their dad was not fine. Right before an argument could happen, Angelina excused herself and got up and left. She couldn't stay in the hospital any longer. So she went to the next reasonable place, home.

Though that didn't even last long before she was getting a phone call from Liam. "It's six in the morning, Liam." She sighed, laying back in her bed, not bothering to get under the covers.

"Did you really think I'd be able to sleep after what just happened?" He asked.

Angelina hesitated before responding. "No..."

»»————- ➴ ————-««

"This is it. There should be a clearing here." Mason said as they walked throughout the woods. They were on a mission to find the Nemeton. "Maybe the clearing doesn't wanna be found either."

The three best friends all stopped, each looking around them for any sign of the huge tree stomp. But they had no luck in finding it. One by one, starting with Liam, they all crouched down.

"I tried to kill Scott." Liam sighed disappointingly. Angelina cringed, wishing that would've never came back up. Bringing her back to when she could only sit in between the bookshelves and hide. And even though she did try to help Scott, she was only pushed away. Once again, proven useless.

"You can't take all the blame." Comforted Mason. "I mean, there was, like, eight-hundred extenuating circumstances."

"It wasn't just the moon."

"Then it was losing Hayden." Angelina spoke up, causing Liam to turn to her with a frown. "You were grieving, and you took it out on Scott."

Mason added on, "In fear, anger, and Theo took advantage of it."

"Or maybe it was just me." Liam mumbled.

"Liam." Angelina sighed, looking at him with sad eyes.

"You're a werewolf. There was a full moon, a Super moon." Mason tried explaining. "And you can't let yourself..." He trailed off, glancing around then standing up and doing it some more.

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