18| Maid of Gévaudan

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Time had slowed down. Angelina shouted as she chased after Liam, he went to fight the Beast. It hadn't gone too well on the younger werewolf's end. The Beast slashed his claws across Liam's chest and he fell limply onto the ground.

"Liam!" Angelina shouted. She picked up her speed and dropped onto her knees beside him. "Hey, hey. Liam, look at me." She whispered, cupping his face and turning his head to look at her.

His eyes locked onto hers and he smiled weakly. He tensed up when the adrenaline wore out and he groaned. Angelina looked away and thankfully saw Stiles and Hayden running over, she waved them to come help her. Stiles dropped down and pulled Liam up, he ducked under one arm while Angelina did the same on the other side.

Hayden ran ahead of them to make sure nobody would get in their way. She pushed the school doors open and held them so the three could get in. They stumbled through the doors and almost crashed into a crowd of screaming people.

Angelina groaned and led them into a classroom, careful not to push Liam into anything. He was already in enough pain, crashing into a table wouldn't help.

"Come on." She nodded into the class and carried him over to the teachers desk. Stiles cleared it off in one swipe and helped lower Liam onto the table. His shouting was painful in Angelina's ears, she hated seeing him in pain.

"Liam?" Hayden asked.

He looked up and groaned. "I'm okay, I'm fine."

"You aren't fine." Angelina sighed. "Here help me." She motioned for Stiles to help rip open his shirt carefully. It revealed a huge gash across his torso. Hayden gagged form behind her and turned away.

"What? Is it bad?" Liam panted.



Angelina and Stiles answer at the same time. The younger one glanced over at her brother, annoyed. She was trying not to scare her boyfriend any more than he already was.

"Okay, what do you guys usually do when this happens?" Hayden asked the siblings.

"Oh, I usually pass out." Stiles answered honestly. "And I think I still might do that."

He looked down at the wound and his knees buckled. "Stiles!" The girls shouted.

"Back up, please." Angelina whispered. Hayden and Stiles turned to her but listened to her request. She stepped closer to Liam and grabbed onto his hand. "This might hurt a little, I-I'm sorry."

She sucked in a deep breath and gripped harder onto the boys hand, allowing the pain to course throughout her body. Liam shot up and grunted loudly causing Angelina's free hand to hold onto his shoulder. The blackness in her veins died down and Liam fell back onto the table.

"You're okay," Angie breathed out. "You're okay."

She laid her head down beside his arm, her one hand still holding his while the other held up her head. She heard a noise down the hallway and lifted her head up quickly.

"Stay here."

"What?" The three others asked in sync.

"Stiles, you're human. Hayden is still learning and Liam, you're healing. I'll be fine, just stay here." Angelina argued, not waiting for a response. She ran down the hallway and followed a certain scent that led her into the library.

She pushed the door open and met face to face with Scott, who looked like he had gone through hell in the past few minutes. Then she heard multiple heartbeats. Looking around the room she saw dozens of students hiding behind bookshelves.

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