6| Required Reading

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"My moms book club usually has more wine." Lydia spoke as some of the pack stood around the table, including Theo. They had gotten the book and made several copies to try and help.

"Well they also probably didn't read books that caused violent hallucinations." Stiles looked up from the table and over to her.

"That's why Malia's here, and Angelina 'cause she is not reading the book." Scott nodded.

"So none of us going running into traffic." Kira added.

"Or worse."

"Like what happened to Judy." Malia said, causing everyone to look at her. "Chapter fourteen."

Lydia picked up the original copy and sighed. "Maybe I should have my mother read it, she might remember a girl with a tail leaping out the ceiling and attacking everyone."

"Alright if it works." Stiles looked around.

"It has to." She said quieter.

"What's that mean?" Scott asked.

"I think I saw them during my surgery." She answered. "When I look at the cover of the book, it's almost like a-"

"Memory trying to surface." Theo finished for her.


"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" Kira asked Malia and she nodded.

"If they did something to me, I wanna know what it is." Lydia said and walked off with the book. After that, everyone grabbed the copies and began reading.

Angelina laid sprawled out on the floor, every now and then she would fall asleep but only for a few seconds.

"Anyone feeling anything yet?" Scott asked the group sitting around.

"Tired." Kira shook her head.

"Hungry." Lydia grumbled.

"Bored." Angelina groaned into the carpet.

"I think he meant the book." Theo held up one of the copies.

Angelina lifted her head and glared at him, "Why are you even here?" Theo seemed to be caught off guard with her comment but didn't reply, looking back down at the words. "Hmm." Angelina plopped back down on the ground and just stared at the ceiling.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

The next day Angelina was sitting out on the bleachers beside Brett and Mason as they discussed dread doctor business. Liam was practicing for lacrosse and making it a competition with Hayden which Angie enjoyed watching. She would cheer for Hayden just to mess with her boyfriend, but she would also whisper reassuring things to him when it was his turn to shoot.

"I don't know dude, everyone at Devenford is pretty abnormal to me." Brett spoke to Mason who was seated between the two werewolves.

"Alright, what else is there to look for? There's heightened strength, smell, hearing, speed.."

"Uh, able to see in the dark." Brett noted and Angie began to write everything down on a piece of paper.

"Glowing eyes." Mason continued.

"Eyes that reflect the light."

"Visible scorpion stingers protruding out of limbs."

"Yeah or three foot lizard tails." Angie sighed out and the boys chuckled.

Just as they finished their list, Hayden and Liam started up again. The boy completely missing the net and Hayden laughed, then she kicked the soccer ball right into the net, smirking at Liam. The three friends on the bleachers continued to watch this until Brett finally spoke up.

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