17| A Credible Threat

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"Angel, you gotta get up." Her eyes fluttered open but then shut almost immediately. "Angelina don't make me drag you out of bed, we need to go."

She opened her eyes again and rolled over to face the blue eyed boy leaning over her. He smiled and kissed the corner of her mouth, trailing down until they matched perfectly. Reluctantly he pulled away, pushing Angelina's hair back.

"Where are we going?" She groaned.

"Something about Parrish." He shrugged. His hands went around her waist and pulled her off the bed, placing her feet on the floor. "Throw some warmer clothes on."

She huffed and walked over to her closet to grab clothes to wear. The moon was still shining, it was the middle of the night. Yet she didn't question any further as he dragged her out to Stiles' Jeep and they drove to Scott's house.

Stiles drove down the road, not necessarily knowing exactly where he was driving. Argent was updating Scott on where he was headed so when he got another text he let them know right away.

"He's headed to the school."

Liam leaned up in his seat and looked between the seniors, "Why's Parrish headed to the school?"

"It's not Parrish. At least not right now."

"He's basically in a fugue state, never remembers anything afterwards... when he is Parrish." Angelina explained, resting her chin on Liam's shoulder.

He nodded his head and asked again, "Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?"

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education." Stiles answered sarcastically. "Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so we're going to the school. Okay?"

He shifted gears and sped off towards BHHS. They arrived only minutes later, everyone jumping out. Angelina only got a few steps away from the Jeep when Liam slammed the door shut, causing a loud bang. She turned around with a raised eyebrow and sighed.

"Sorry." He apologized to the three.

Angie shook her head and reached out for him to grab her hand, "Let's go."

The group walked towards Chris quietly. They didn't know what exactly they had gotten themselves into exactly. Upon their arrival Scott looked around and locked eyes with the retired hunter.

"Where's Parrish?" He asked.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast." Chris sighed.

Liam looked to his left and swung his arm back, trying to get someone's attention. "Scott. That guy's not moving at all." Angelina spun around and noticed what he was looking at. To the left of them was a guy on the concrete, dead.

As they walked towards the body they could easily see the blood pouring out and surrounding the guy. His body was slashed up; everything was slashed up. Scott stepped over him and the others followed, they continued to walk further.

Then there was another body as they rounded the corner. The small trail led to the busses, and one conveniently had its back door open.

"Look." Liam nodded towards the vehicle.

Angie's eyes widened and she took a step back, "Please don't tell me that's the Beast."

Nobody took their eyes off the bus, they watched as a boy lifted his head up and called out to them.

"Help me."

Scott almost gave in if it weren't for the Hellhound stepping out. "It's a trap." He growled. "You can't help him."

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