||Chapter 6||

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Third peron's Pov

Two days after the incident

Aumrauth, Ellisar, Khelvan, Beldroth, and Saevel, stood guard outside of the princess' quarters, after the whole poison incident they(asides Aumrauth who's guilt still remained) also felt guilty and responsible.

They had been too mesmerized by what Greenwood had to offer that they had almost forgotten their duty, to protect lady (y/n) with their life.

"I feel terrible." Khelvan, the youngest among them spoke first, breaking the silence among them.

The others nodded in agreement, "Do you think lady (y/n) is mad at us? What if she won't talk to us anymore?" Came Beldroth's worried tone.

"She probably won't speak to us ever again. I curse our incompetence.." Khelvan.

"Maybe we should do something for lady (y/n)?" Ellisar spoke softly, his gentle tone startling the others, he wasn't really much of a talker.

"And what do you suggest mellon? Though I have a feeling she'll be too distrusting of us to accept." Saevel.

"What if one of us go to a kingdom of men? And get her another book in braille?" Ellisar.

Agreements were passed around.

"And leave her side? Have you four not learnt your lesson?" Aumrauth finally spoke.

The others hung their heads in shame, "But we just.." Beldroth.

"What are you five gossiping about infront of the princess' chambers?" Laerune asked with a raised brow, in her hand was a tray with the princess' meal.

"Ah well we-" Saevel started but was interrupted by Khelvan, "-we wanted to give something to lady (y/n) as an apology." This resulted with a smack from Saevel, followed by mumbling about how it was rude to interrupt someone.

Laerune thought for a while before letting a smile grace her lips, "Well, lady (y/n) has been really into flowers and whatnot these days, she likes the fragrance they bring."

This seemed to spark up various ideas to the 5 ellons* as they conversed amongst themselves, "I'll keep her distracted, be back before sunset." Laerune shooed them off and they did so with determination to get their princess an apology gift.

Laerune shook her head at their antics and entered the room, finding (y/n) by the open window enjoying the breeze and sun shining on her face. "My lady, I bought you lunch."

"Ah Laerune, what was all the ruckus outside just now? Was there a fight?" She asked concerned, slowly making her way towards a table.

Laerune set down the tray then pulled out a chair for her, chuckling as she did so, "Not at all, there were just a few elves who seemed like they were gossiping. I shooed them off on their way."

(Y/n) smiled, letting out a relived sigh, "I'm glad." She began to eat her meal with a smile as Laerune sat on her bed, thinking of ways she could distract the princess.

Setting down her utensils after she finished, Laerune stood up and lead her to the bed, then sitting beside her.

"How have you been fairing? Still feel faint?" She asked, "I have a small headache, but it's nothing too serious, I'll sleep it off."

"And what of outside my quarters? What's been happening? How is Legolas? Aumrauth? Did you write to Chaalmyth about what happened like I asked?" Questions spilled from (y/n)'s lips making Laerune chuckle.

"Calm yourself my dear, one at a time. Nothing much has been going on, Thranduil has been busy preparing for the feast, he wishes you well. Legolas has been busy as well, helping his father, although he does wish you to be well soon."

(Y/n) smiled softly at this, "Send them my thanks and apologies, tell them I am deeply sorry for troubling them with this."

"Aumrauth has been guarding outside your door the whole time, he didn't say much, but just from looking at him he seems to feel extremely guilty." Laerune.

"Oh my, tell him I'd like to chat with him later this evening, if you please." (Y/n).

Laerune nodded making a mental note to do so after their 'surprise', "Ah, I actually have your gwanur's* letter with me right now, would you like me to read it for you?"

"Yes, please."

"Muinthel nín*

Are you alright? When I had heard you've been poisoned I was more than ready to abandon my duties and come to your side immediately, although the elders held me back, I apologize for not being there beside you right now. I'll have to make up for it when you return home. I hope the culprit has been caught, so you can rest easy. Enjoy the Feast of Starlight and don't focus on such matters, it would pain me if something else were to happen to you. Ah also Muximag* and I will be planning our wedding, he can't wait to see you, hope to see you by then.

With love, your Gwanur."


*Dearest sister
*Your brother's soon to be husband ✨😌

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