||Chapter 7||

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Third Person's Pov

The sun was setting and Aumrauth stood outside of the princess' bedchambers, flowers in hand as well as some baked goods they got from the kitchen along the way. "Your highness.. May I come in?" There was silence, making him look to the side where the rest of the soldiers were hiding behind a pillar.

"Aumrauth? Yes please, come in." A voice called from inside the room, Aumrauth breathed out a sigh and opened the door coming to face (y/n), facing the open window with a smile on her face. 

Aumrauth paused, never in his life had he seen someone as beautiful as her before, and his heart ached slightly at this. "My Lady, I truly apologize for the events that had transpired the past few days. I—We picked these out for you, and some treats as well." 

She turned to his voice and tilted her head, distracting Aumrauth for a second and making him almost trip, luckily enough he was trained to be agile and caught himself as he moved forward, gently placing the small bouquet and wrapped treats in her awaiting hands.

"Lavender.. it smells wonderful, thank you." (y/n) let a gentle smile dance on her lips as she held the bouquet closer, "Honestly I hold no ill will against anyone, not to you, nor the person who poisoned me."

Aumrauth stayed quiet, his eyes following her movements as she felt along the small table for a vase, placing the bouquet inside with great care.

"Laerune had asked me to reprimand those involved but, how could I ever do something to you?" She turned to him, and although she couldn't see, he felt as though she was looking through his soul, his heart beating faster as though drums were being played.

He placed a hand on his chest right above his heart and gave a small quiet sigh, "Thank you my lady, I will be more attentive in the near future."

(y/n) hummed softly at this and offered him her hand, Aumrauth kneeled infront of her and took her hand gently in his, gingerly bringing up to his forehead as he bowed. In their kingdom this was the deepest kind of trust one could offer, where one was ready even for death for the other.

"Aumrauth, I am placing my trust in you not as your princess but as your friend." (y/n) said softly.

"And I will honor that trust with my whole being, not only as your friend, but as your knight." Aumrauth replied.

He pulled away and stood up, bowing slightly, "My lady I—no nevermind, rest well, and thank you."

(y/n) could only give a small confused laugh as he heard him walk off, the sound of the door closing after him.

A knock sounding right afterwards, "Yes? Who is it?" She called, this time moving to sit on a chair near the window, the breeze felt cooler and she could only assume that the sun had set completely and was now dusk.

"It's me, Legolas." His voice sounded muffled, "I wanted to bring dinner to you."

(y/n) perked up at this, "Ah come in mellon."

The door opened and Legolas stepped inside, holding a tray with various dishes on top of it. "I couldn't decide what suited your taste so I brought a bit of everything." He said timidly, the door was closed behind him as he strode towards a table in the room.

"My, surely you must have brought so much, I couldn't possibly finish all of it myself so would you care to join me? Ah—that is if you want to of course." She felt herself flush at her actions.

Legolas placed the tray on the table and chuckled softly at her red face, finding her reaction adorable, "Then I'll take you up on that offer." He walked over to her, "May I guide you?" (y/n) nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment and let him lead her to sit at the table.

"I'll have some herbal tea prepared as well, this would be a good opportunity to chat with you, I like hearing you talk." He said boldly, calling over a servant and letting them know to prepare the utensils and tea.

(y/n) shook her head at his antics, the room already filling in with the aroma of the tea, "You've been busy I heard, it's understandable with the feast coming up, but I'm glad you took the time to visit me." She started, Legolas leaned on his palm and watched her with soft eyes.

"I rushed through some paperwork and I'm glad I did, I got to spend more time with you." He replied. His hands reached out to hold hers but hesitated and pulled away, "I'm glad you seem to be fairing well."

"Well I've been cooped up in here with nothing much to do so I've rested well enough." (y/n) giggled suddenly remembering how Laerune fretted over her and convinced her to lay down more.

Dinner went by in a flash, small talks and inside jokes being passed around made the aura all the more lively and comfortable for the both of them.

"Speaking of which, do you have an escort to the feast yet mellon?" Legolas asked.

(y/n) pondered over this for a moment, "Well I thought about taking Laerune or Aumrauth with me if I couldn't find one, I'll mostly stay seated anyways."

Legolas stood up, making his way around the table and infront of her, hearing his footsteps (y/n) turned to face him but remained seated.

Kneeling down Legolas gently took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on top, "Then, princess (Y/n) of Nylhelona would you allow me, to be your escort to the feast of starlight?"

Hi bunnies! Surprising lol I'm still alive ehe, I haven't given up on this story yet! I want to finish this because all of you reading is my motivation to do so. Don't forget to comment your thoughts so far ehehe♡

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