||Chapter 1||

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(y/n)'s Pov

The ride was rather pleasant, having small breaks here and there while the company described the surroundings for you,

"The trees are tall and green." Aumrauth, the leader, commented, you gave a soft chuckle, "I know, They are as tall as the hills. Laerune has told me this many times."

You hear the embarrassment in his voice as he tried to make up for his blunt sightings, his peers laughing in amusement.

"My lady, should we set up camp for the night? You look weary." Saevel suggested, you felt the other's eyes on you and you sighed, nodding.

"Beldroth and Khelvan, prepare the princess' tent, Ellisar and Saevel you gather wood and start the fire. I will scout the area for danger. Laerune, keep the princess safe and well." Aumrauth ordered.

You heard shuffling and used your walking stick to guide you to a nearby tree, which you sat by the trunk and leaned on it, closing your eyes contentedly.

You sensed someone sit beside you, "Laerune?" you guessed, the said female chuckled and pressed something into your hands, it was a book.

You frowned, "Laerune I cannot read this.." you mumbled, trying to give her back the book.

She laughed and pressed it back, "Touch the cover." She said, you sighed and complied, running your fingers on the rough cover.

Suddenly you felt the raised dots on the cover, it only took you a few seconds before you realized what it was.

"Braille? This book is written in braille!?" you asked excitedly, a wide smile gracing your lips, "Yes, I brought it from a kingdom of men, I thought you might like it."

You opened your arms and she hugged you softly, "Like it? Laerune, I love it! I can read something!" she laughed at your childlike reaction and pinched your cheek.

"The tent is ready, my lady (y/n)." you heard Beldroth call, you turned to his voice and stood up, grabbing your walking stick and letting Laerune lead you to the tent.

She led you to your cot and kissed your forehead gently before I you the tent's flap close, you changed into your nightwear and laid back.

You got into a more comfortable position and touched the cover of the book, "Miniel.." you said the title out loud.

Deciding to give the story a chance you began reading, you started out slowly, still getting used to the feeling of braille against your dainty fingers.

A voice suddenly startled you from your reading, "My lady I have brought you some soup." It was Ellisar.

"Ah, thank you." you reached your hand out, and he carefully placed the bowl into your awaiting hands.

You heard the rustle of clothes, meaning he bowed and then heard him leave the tent, you raised up the soup and expertly ate the meal,

Once done you felt around for a small desk and placed the empty bowl there.

Feeling contented, you went back to reading, that is until you were interrupted yet again, "Princess." Laerune, not surprising.

"How are you fairing?" she asked, you sensed her infront of you, presumably crouched.

"I am well Laerune, you need not worry about me." you replied, smiling softly.

"We leave at dawn, I would suggest you take your rest. I will be in my cot should you need me, in the corner of your tent."

You nodded and placed the book down, you settled in for the night, ready for the long trek tomorrow.


You were awoken by the sound of the company, already up and about as they walked to and fro around the small camp.

You sat up and stretched your limbs, only stopping when you heard that satisfying crack on your joints, "Ah, you're awake, I was just about to wake you." Came the voice of Laerune.

You smiled, "Indeed I am, would you please help me change back into my travelling clothes?" you asked softly.

She first made sure all the soldiers were busy, and ordered them to not go within a foot near the tent, they agreed easily of course.

Then she handed you the clothes, helping you only when needed. Once you were done and ready, the soldiers packed everything up and off you go once again.

"You know, I heard that the Elvenking's son is looking for a bride, maybe you'll fill in that role." She joked, you smiled softly at this.

"Ah yes, as if someone like him would go for me, I'm barely half any normal elleth." You heard her trot closer to you, "You're more than any other elleth (y/n), do remember that."

"You're amazing princess!"

"I'd court you!" That one was followed by a yelp, and you assumed someone hit him.

"You may not be ordinary, but to all of us you are extraordinary." You smiled at their kind words.

Two more days till you reach Greenwood.


Two chapters in a row cause why not? Vote and comment!

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