|| Chapter 5||

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Third Person's POV

Silence followed after her plea, the people around the room turned to (y/n) their breaths caught in their throats as they awaited her response, (y/n) however was not fazed by the sudden outburst more so a bit confused at the moment, "Oh I know you did not." Came her soft voice, Legolas, Aumrauth, and Laerune turned to her in both curiosity and confusion, had she also hit her head?

"I—What? My Lady it's quite obvious she poisoned you late in the evening, she was the last seen around your quarters." Laerune interjected quickly, her firm tone cutting through the thick atmosphere, the others agreeing with her.

"Now, while she may be the last one seen, she is not the one I've heard." She turned to where she assumed the suspect was and smiled, "If she is bounded, please, release her." A grunt came as a reply and soon enough there was someone at the foot of her bed sobbing and thanking her profusely.

"While you may not be who poisoned her, why did you apologize?" Asked Aumrauth, making (y/n) wonder that herself, "I-It was Magdalyl, as soon as I got to the princess' quarters she offered to handle it for me... you have to believe me, I left right after that." (y/n) heard hushed whispers from Legolas and the patter of shoes exiting the room, she assumed they were to catch Magdalyl. "I wish to speak to her alone, to Magdalyl." She says to Laerune, who was massaging her hand.

"My Lady it may be too dangerous," says Aumrauth, "We do not know if she is a threat to you or not, and with the feast of starlight quickly approaching, we mustn't take this lightly." He finished, worry lacing his voice, squeezing her hand just a bit, a small gesture that made (y/n)'s heart skip a beat.

"Mellon, you should rest for a bit more, you must be exhausted from all that." She heard Legolas speak, ordering everyone else to step out, aside from the accused she-elf. "We'll discuss this again Mellon, I promise." (y/n) nodded and smiled at him gratefully, "I request that you do not treat uhm.. what is your name?" She asked the she-elf, hearing the rustling of clothes and assuming she was bowing made her smile a bit, "Atoveren, your majesty." She smiled at the she-elf gently, "I request that you do not treat her as a suspect yet, Legolas."

She heard light footsteps leave the room and a hand took hers, "Mellon, rest easy for now, I really was worried about you." She felt his soft lips at the back of her hand and couldn't help the blush that crept to her cheeks, "Thank you again for your concern Mellon, but really I'm fine." She gave his hand a light and assuring squeeze and he left soon after.

(y/n) couldn't help but let her mind wander and how her heart seemed to leap out of its cage, could it be a side effect from the poison or medicine they had given her? Nonetheless, she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips as two certain elves crossed her mind.


"Seems the poison wasn't lethal enough to kill her My Lord, if that she-elf hadn't found her so soon it would have worked for sure." A she-elf, more specifically Magdalyl, spoke grimly, saddened by the fact that her attempt to kill the princess hadn't worked.

A disappointed sigh came from the seated cloaked figure, his eyes glaring up at the she-elf, "You disappoint me, it was such an easy task even an orc could have done something such as simple as this. You're an incompetent fool." Magdalyl felt an embarrassed blush cover her entire face, tears pricking her eyes as she tried her best to hold them in.

"You are dismissed until further notice." He waved his hand dismissively and Magdalyl bowed before exiting the dimly lit study, her eyes held a glare full of hatred as she thought about (y/n), "Why couldn't she just have died?! Aniron gen haded min noer Orodruin.*" She cursed outloud, making her way out of the place she was in and starting her walk back towards the palace.

"DAR!*" She suddenly heard, turning to see what the commotion was all about, she wasn't at all surprised at the guards that rushed up to her, "Oh my? Has something happened back at the palace while I was away?" She questioned innocently, batting her eyelash at them.

"You are to be taken in for questioning as ordered by Prince Legolas." At the mention of Legolas, Magdalyl could not help but let the blush creep up to her cheeks, ah yes, she remembered why she was doing this now, it was for him, it had always been for him.

All for him.


*I want to hurl you into the fires of Mt. Doom



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