||Chapter 11||

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"Why are you here, Erynaur? Why now after all these years of keeping silent?!" Laerune yelled, her voice hoarse from the lack of water, she didn't know how long she was kept in that dingy and damp room but she was sure it was only a day or two at most judging from her interal clock. "Not even a hello? You've grown even more of a hag since the last time we met, Laerune."

An unpleasant memory of her sister's wedding to him came up and she grimaced wanting nothing more than to punch his face with years of resentment, "My sister was nothing more than a victim of your manipulative scheme!" "But she loved me! She was the only one who truly loved me! And I promised her the world, but that damn brother of mine and his whore of a wife took over the throne and my darling died, you've no idea of the pain i went through."

Laerune tugged on the chains as she tried to lunge at him, her eyes glaring firmly as she yelled in a pain so deep it made her want to throw up, "She was my sister! And I lost her to you! To someone I once called my friend, someone I had loved! You're the one that knows nothing." Tears poured from her eyes as she breathed heavily, her head was aching from memories she so desperately tried to bury resurfacing.


A young elleth cried as she sat alone in a field of poppies, a cut on her small hand staining her white dress, next to her was a flower crown made out of white dahlia's, "What's wrong?" A young boy approached her, seemingly appearing out of nowhere startling her and making her let out a small scream, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to surprise you!" He hurriedly said, Laerune wiped away her tears and took small breaths to calm herself down, and the boy took this as a chance to sit down next to her, "So.." he started, "Care to tell me what's wrong?" She sniffled and nodded, "I had a fight with my younger sister and I wanted to apologize with a flower crown, but I tripped and cut my hand."

He ripped out a bit of fabric from his shirt and took her hand gently in his, carefully dressing the wound, no words were said between them as he did this but she was grateful for him nonetheless, "Thank you.. My name is Laerune by the way." She gave a small smile as she picked up the flower crown, "I'm Erynaur, it's a pleasure to meet you." He gave a small bow, a habit he had picked up when greeting others, and sheepishly offered his hand to help her up which she gratefully took.

Decades passed, that forest became a secret meeting spot for the two elves, "Erynaur! You're here, I've been waiting to tell you something!" Laerune greeted happily, handing him a flower crown made out of yellow dahlia flowers he put it on as he has done many times before each time they met. "Yellow this time? Must be something happy I assume? I have something to tell you as well." Erynaur led her towards a shaded tree, placing a handkerchief down for her to sit on which she did so.

"We've finally decided to move to Nylhelona, me and Irinue I mean." Erynaur beamed at this, his young handsome face lighting up and he couldn't resist but hold Laerune in his arms with her face flushed against his chest, they've both matured over the years and she was more reserved and mature now compared to when they were younger, actions like this made her heart race, "Of course we wont be moving right away with all the packing that needs to be done, but we've found a lovely home near the palace, and I for one am quite excited to meet the two princes!"

He pulled away from the embrace and took her hands in his, "That's what I wanted to talk about actually. Laerune, I'm the second prince of the kingdom of Nylhelona, I am Erynaur Drondion." Laerune gasped and quickly lowered her head in respect, but Erynaur gingerly placed a hand under her chin and met their eyes, "You need not bow to me, Laerune, only you are allowed to see me like this." He glanced at her lips and then back to her eyes before leaning in slowly, and slowly their lips collided in a perfect symphony of feelings and a melodious song of something only they could hear.

"Welcome to Nylhelona! You must be Laerune's sister Irinue, she's told me quite a bit about you." Erynaur bowed slightly to the young elleth, and she did the same, giving him a kind smile which made his heart skip a beat, with flushed cheeks he coughed it off and turned to Laerune who held out a bouquet of purple dahlia flowers to him, "I though it would be a fitting color, your highness." She playfully bowed making him laugh at her actions, "I'll have you meet my brother soon Laerune, you two need to settle in first. Well then, I'll leave you two be for now." His gaze lingered on Irinue and she shyly gave him a little wave, making him smile as he left and making Laerune feel as though her heart was aching.


Henlo my bunnies! Next Chapter will go into more detail about Laurune and Erynaur's past so i hope you look forward to that, don't forget to comment!(honesty love reading your comments haha you guys are so cute) ilysm!

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