||Chapter 3||

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3rd Person Pov

The walk was slow and peaceful as you and Legolas talked about your lives and basically just getting to know each other, Legolas knew you were different from any elleths he had met.

You balanced him out quite nicely, while he was outgoing and reserved, you were a wallflower, but could give a nice chat once comfortable.

Legolas stopped walking and you turned to where he once was in confusion, "Legolas? Where have you gone off to?" You called worriedly, you still haven't known your way around yet.

Legolas gave a small chuckle, "Still here, just getting something for you." He plucked out a Lily and placed it into your hands with a grin.

You smiled at the gesture and held the flower up to your nose, getting a whiff at the scent. "Thank you, mellon." He helped you place the flower in your hair and smiled as it blended in with your radiance.

"Shall we head back? Are you tired?" He asked worriedly, already noticing your slower pace, "Ah if it wouldn't be too much trouble.." you trailed of.

He took your arm in his and began walking you back inside, you both chatted until you reached your room, "We're here." Legolas said in a saddened tone.

You turned to where he was and carefully wrapped your arms around his lean build, he wrapped his arms around your smaller form and smiled.

"Would you like to come in? I wouldn't mind the company." He shook his head, "I have to go on patrol."

You pouted but nodded in understanding, pulling away from the embrace, he lead you carefully to your bed and handed you your book. "I'll be back, (y/n)." He said with a slight bow.

"I will be waiting, Legolas." He left the room with a new reason to finish his given tasks early, it was to accompany you when he was done.

Meanwhile Laerune entered the room, a knowing smirk on her lips, "(y/n)." she started, making the said elleth look to where she was.

"Hmm? What is it Laerune? And, wherever have you been?" You softly asked, placing her book once more, she'd continue reading another time.

"I see you and the prince are getting well acquainted with each other. Do I smell love blossoming?" she teasingly asked, poking your side causing you to jump startled.

You squinted your eyes at where she was, if looks could kill she would have been dead by now. "Laerune don't be absurd. I'm sure Prince Legolas has already found his one anyway, so what chance would I have?"

Laerune laughed it of and placed a hand on top of your head, looking into your clouded silver eyes. "Do not bring yourself down like that my dear. Take your time."

You hear her shift as she got up, "Would you like me to fetch you for dinner? Or would you rather eat here for now?"

You thought for awhile, "I'd like to eat here please.. Tell Thranduil my deepest apologies." Laerune sighed but agreed nonetheless.

She left the room and you to your own devices as she went of to god knows where.

You thought back to what she said, you and Legolas were hitting it off quite nicely, but you knew better than to fall for the Elvenprince.

And it was all up to fate if it was meant to be, not that you hoped for anything of course, you brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen out of place and your hands came to contact with something soft, it was the lily.

Smiling you took it off your hair ever so gently and took a whiff, "At least out loud.. I won't say I'm in love.." you mumbled to yourself, remembering that quote from the book you had been reading.

You placed the flower back into your hair and made yourself comfortable once more, picking up the book you began where you had last picked off.

The dawn had just barely settled onto the lands of Miniel when there, in the distance was a figure, It was Khyrm and in his arms was the head of the one they all had feared, the head of the terrible lord Sudryl.

Allania was first to run up to him, tears of happiness cascading down her cheeks, "Oh Khyrm! You did it! You have set us all free!" She cried in joy.

He threw the severed head away and caught the woman in his arms, a proud smile in his face as he gazed lovingly at her, "I have proven my worth to you, Allania. And now I would ask—"

A knock sounded at the door and you sighed, closing the book as you were disrupted again, "Come in." you called, you heard shuffling before the door opened with a creak, "My lady?"


"Mellon, why is it that you are here?" you questioned, he placed something on the desk beside you, "I have been ordered to deliver your dinner, Laerune was discussing plans with King Thranduil."

You nodded at this, offering him a small smile, "Thank you, you are dismissed." You heard him presumably bow then leave the room, leaving you in silence once more.

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