||Chapter 10||

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"That useless wench, I could have used her more but she out and killed herself!" Erynaur raged, he's done so much to get to where he was, the meticulous planning of the royal deaths, living inside the palace walls and living off scraps just to gather more information about the two remaining 'family' he had, mostly keeping an eye out on the blind one.

He paced around in the room he had rented out in Greenwood, going over to a messy desk he picked up a piece of paper that had notes and spells, one in particular that was outlined. "Irinue.. Just a bit more my love, I'll use that dragon to bring you back to life with our son and we'll be able to take the throne, just as we rightfully should have instead of that no good dead brother of mine." He laughed to himself, his eyes shaking slightly as he wrote down more notes.


Legolas carried (y/n)'s sleeping body on the way back to her chambers, the exhaustion finally catching up to her and as soon as he held her she let herself be taken by sleep. Legolas on the other hand didn't think he'd be able to sleep as he thought long and hard about the events that transpired, he's heard songs and stories about her kind and powers all throughout his childhood, and it being confirmed to be true sent him in awe.

Reaching the hallway to her room, Aumrauth was the first to approach with his arms held out and Legolas gently handed her over, "I'll take it from here my lord, thank you for safely bringing her back." Aumrauth gave a small respectful bow before turning to enter the room, leaving Legolas to stand in a bit of a daze before heading back to his own room.

Aumrauth gingerly set (y/n) on her bed and covered her up with the blanket, sighing softly, "Mellon you've no idea what you do to me, to give me such emotions I.. Guren min gaim lín.." He whispered the last part to himself before leaving the room, casting a final glance on her sleeping figure before closing the doors.

The sun shone high by the time she awoke, Laerune was in the room sat near her bed and reading a book as she sat up, "My lady, how are you feeling?" (Y/n) turned to the sound and yawned before groggily replying "I feel strangely refreshed how long was I out for?" "Half the day, it is understandable with everything that's happened." Laerune got up from her seat and moved to sit next to her.

"Your brother sent a letter to me, with what happened, he's bringing Nylhelona to another sanctuary, I presume you're already aware of where she will be?" Laerune took hold of her hands and (y/n) paused for a moment before cautiously nodding. "Yes, I know where she is at the moment. Laerune.. could you get Aumrauth for me please?" She let go of Laerune's hand and clenched her fist, her chest beginning to pound but made sure she acted calm.

"Of course My lady, but the general area of the sanctuary, could you care to tell me? So I can prepare for when you wish to depart there." She pressed on, "It will take some time for me to connect with her, I'll let you know then." Laerune stood up and bowed, (y/n) listened for awhile to make sure she left the room and let out a breath when she was left on her own.

Aumrauth entered moments later and (y/n) called him over to her, "Mellon give me your hands." Immediately doing so, he placed his hands on top of hers and she heaved a sigh of relief at the familiar touch, "You're you.. you're real.." She mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear, "What happened? Are you alright?" He asked in concern, lacing their fingers together and giving her hands a comforting squeeze.

"Laerune called you to see me did she not?" "Yes? And what of it?" She furrowed her brows, "It was not her, it was not her touch that I felt but of someone else, and that person asked about Nylhelona.. Laerune never asks about her." Her heart raced at the thought of being so close to risking her life and their dragon's all because of a familiar voice, had she not held her hands then she really would have revealed secrets meant to be kept in the dark.

Aumrauth sensing her wavering emotions pulled her in his embrace, saying nothing but gently comforting her by rubbing her back as she shivered, "I'm terrified Aumrauth.. I can't trust anyone else but you at the moment so please, stay by me, don't leave me." Her feelings of uneasiness and fear were a mess and he was well aware of that, still he couldn't help but be glad she chose to trust him, "You know I will (y/n), I'll continue to stay by your side just as how I always have."


This chapter is a hot mess, also anyone else have a love-hate relationship with college?(frankly speaking it's the only relationship i'll ever get lmao)

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